
939 31 6

Angel Reese-Johnson

"Can you stop and back up?" I asked Flau'jae as she just stared into my soul and I smiled nervously

"I'm making you nervous?"

"You know you're making me nervous. So you be doing that on purpose?" I asked before she shook her head 'no'

"Nope" she said while reaching trying to dig in the pot before I grabbed her wrist

"Get out the kitchen until I'm done" I said now pushing her back, "You're worse than Mj them, you don't see them in here nowhere"

"Cause they upstairs playing the game"

"No, they know not to put their hands in my pot" I said as she continued to just look, "Stop staring at me"

"You glowing"

"Thank you, baby"

"You still want me to leave?" she asked before I looked at her and we both started laughing

"Yes, so bye"

"Damn" she said while making her way out

I can't stand when people in my way while I'm cooking or cleaning. It drive me up the wall, especially when Flau'jae does it.

People who can't cook need to stay out the kitchen.

Aydin, Mj, and Nixon is here, they'll be with us for a week. So, I'm cooking three different meals to last everybody throughout the week.

I continued to cook, which lasted for another two hours. My feet feel like I've been standing on nails and it's not a good feeling.

"Go sit at the table in the dining area, and clean up whatever mess y'all leave " Flau'jae demanded to Aydin as he just looked at her

I started laughing because deep down inside, her brothers are sick of her. They just won't give attitude cause she don't be going for it.

"Can we watch tv?"

"As long as y'all don't be in there fighting over it, I don't care" she said before they walked off and I just shook my head

A tv being in the dining area is so extra, we all know who idea that was. Nobody even go in there, so I'm just confused.

"I'm going to take a shower cause I smell like grease" I said wanting to throw up at the weird smell

"You want me to fix your plate for when you get out?" Flau'jae asked before I nodded my head yes

"Can you clean everything up please?"

"Yeah mamas, I was gone do that for you. I know you tired, thank you for cooking for us" she said before kissing me on the cheek

I made my way upstairs getting straight in the shower. I'm tired from standing on my my feet and my back hurt.

After washing I got out and put on my clothes. By this time everybody had made their way upstairs, I guess they done.

I ate and laid down going to sleep immediately. The next morning I woke to the tv on and Flau'jae focused.

For a second I watched it to see what all the concentration was all about. I don't know what she's watching, but the show being in black and white is irking me.

I scooted closer and laid my head on her chest before receiving a kiss on my forehead. Without hesitation, I closed my eyes dozing off again.

When I woke back up she was gone, and the sun was shining throughout the room. I must've been sleep for a long time, but I'm not complaining.

After getting up and getting myself together, I made my way downstairs.

"Stop arguing" I said to Mj and Nixon because unfortunately they were at each others necks like always

They argue like me and Flau'jae, it's so bad.

"Cause he think he my daddy, you is not my daddy nigga" Mj said before I started laughing because I'm shocked

"Oh yeah, and she think I'm having twins. Hell no" I said to myself while walking away

I made my way into Flau'jae's office because I heard her in there. She's on the phone with somebody and she's very loud.

I sat in her lap and put my ear to the phone trying
hear who it was that she was talking to. She moved the phone from her ear and looked at me

"I'm on the phone" she whispered stating the obvious before I laughed at her

She continued to talk as I just listened still confused on who she talking to. They're talking in codes, so I'm definitely confused.

Eventually she got off the phone, which I was happy about because I want her attention.

"Can we go to the Galleria?" I asked as Flau'jae planted a kiss on my cheek

"Yes mamas, we can go whenever you ready" she said before rubbing my stomach, "Hey lil Junior"

"We're not naming the baby after you"

"We already agreed that I'm picking the name"

"Okay can you pick out names, and we both decide on one?" I asked because fuck that agreement to be honest

"Alright, we can do it like that but I want our names incorporated in someway"

"We can do that, I just want the baby to have its own name. I'm actually scared of what you gone come up with"

"You doubting me?" she asked causing me to laugh

"No, but you overly creative, which isn't a bad thing. I just don't want you coming up with crazy names cause he or she gotta get a job"

"Our kids not gone ever know what it feel like to clock in. I don't care, they just not gone know" she said confidently while nodding

"You don't know what they gone wanna pursue"

We finished talking before I got up and got ready. After I was finished, I waited for everybody else before we left.

"I gotta get this bag, but do I wanna spend that much on a bag?" Flau'jae spoke before I nodded my head, "Of course you gone say yeah"

"Because if you want it, get it"

"I don't need to spend that" she said before I picked the bag up, "Put it back"

She's always so worried about saving and investing, which is good. The problem is she never buy stuff for herself

Whenever she buy stuff it's for me or somebody else

"I'm buying it for you"

"It's okay bae"

"No, I got it" I said before she just let me do as I please

We finished in the Burberry store before going to Apple. Aydin asked for a another phone and Flau'jae agreed to it.

Mama Kia is gonna kill her

After waiting in there for forever, we finally left out going from store to store.

"I'm ready to go" Nixon complained for the third time, "My feet hurt"

"You young, you better use them feet" I said while watching him drag his shoes across the floor as he walked

He's scrapping the front of his shoes.

"Can you hold me?" he asked before my eyes widened and he laughed, "I'm just playing"

"Good cause your feelings was gonna be hurt"

We eventually left before stopping at a few stores. We were gonna get food, but nobody's eating out until the food I just cooked is gone .

After making it back home they carried the bags in and we settled down. The rest of the night is gonna be chill, I'm kicking my feet up.

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