
811 31 1

Angel Reese-Johnson

"You look like you ready to bust over there" my grandma said before I nodded agreeing while popping a grape into my mouth

"I am, I really am and I'm over it"

"Just hold on a little longer, you got it" my mom said in a positive manner, "Y'all ready for this baby shower?"

"Yeah, I'm just not ready for the week. It's gonna be a hectic week for us, Flau'jae especially"

We're having our gender reveal tomorrow and I'm excited. We decided not to do a baby shower due to the fact that the baby already has too much shit.

Let's just say I got too excited with my card and now I have no access to it. Flau'jae went and cut off all my cards without me knowing.

I couldn't help myself all of the girl clothes are cute. Besides that, I like stuff to be specific because I'm specific.

Flau'jae's been buying stuff too, but not a lot. Her mom and my mom got too excited with their cards too.

She can't cut off their cards, so they're still having packages come to our house.

I'm jealous.

Flau'jae has to go to court, I don't really know what's gonna happen. I'm honestly nervous because if it wasn't that serious, she wouldn't have to go.

She's has made it clear on multiple occasions that she doesn't care. At first I thought it was an act, but I know my wife like the back of my hand.

When she don't care it shows, and it's been showing.

"I know, how she taking the situation?" my grandma asked seeming genuinely concerned

"She doesn't care"

"She don't care?" my mom asked while holding a shocking look, "That girl just got charged with battery, she care"

"No ma, she don't care" I said before my grandma shook her head

"She care, it's her first time being in a situation like this. You not gonna hear her admit it, but she is scared"

"Y'all don't know her how I know her, so y'all are gonna think that way. I'm promise she don't care"

Eventually, I ended up leaving meeting up with Endyia and Nabeela. This is definitely last minute because I had no intentions of seeing them today.

Since we've gotten back on good terms, they've been initiating the plans. I'm not reaching out to do anything because I'm still being cautious with them.

"I feel like you should tell us the gender since you already know" Endyia said before I shook my head no going against idea

"I feel like you should wait and be surprised" I said before Nabeela chuckled a little

"She so calm, it gotta be a boy" Nabeela said confidently before I shrugged while holding a friendly smile

"Okay, can I admit something?" Endyia asked before I sighed and nodded

"It's a judge free zone, you can admit whatever" Nabeela said before Endyia looked at me with a slight smirk

I already know this finna be some bullshit.

"I know it's a girl" she said before I gave her a confused look

"It's not a girl, but why would you confidently assume that?" I asked now feeling rage, but I'm gonna remain calm

"Cause the day we went out and we came back to your house, I saw it. I saw the ultrasound picture in the kitchen drawer"

I just sat there staring at her with so many thoughts going through my head. Nabeela just had her mouth dropped open all shocked.

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