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I'm a bit anxious today as I'm wary about the popular group their whereabouts. Maybe I should officiate our deal, so they really won't harm my friends in any way. I'm at least glad my friends know about the deal. As I overthink every possible thing a neatly folded paper gets passed to me.

Frowning at the sender, he points behind him and there is Sunghoon sitting, paying attention to math class and scribbling down notes every few and then. He looks even elegant doing simply that. Shrugging, I open the paper and am greeted with very neat handwriting.

Training after school, I'll wait at the lockers


Licking my lips, I read the note again. I have training with Sunghoon today. Okay I can manage that, but I'd like for him to tell me in advance instead of just giving me a note on the day itself. I scribble down an answer and pass the paper back to him.

Okay, just tell me earlier when you want to practise. I have a busy schedule.


I look back as Sunghoon opens my note and a soft lifting of his lips is seen as he reads it. His head goes up as his eyes meet mine directly. He nods curtly and I give him a small, grateful smile, before paying attention to class again.

I have some experience with figure skating, but it's been a while since I've done the sport. I mainly focused on my roller skating, that was my preference all along, but now I'll be competing with Sunghoon for a figure skating competition. I don't know if he made the right choice choosing me, but I'm the only one in school who does a sport that's close to ice-skating. I'm just afraid I'll fail and- there I go overthinking again. Shaking my head to magically clear my mind I start copying the answers on the blackboard.

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"Hey" Having stuffed my hands back into my pockets, I greet a leaning Sunghoon against the lockers. He is always dressed in dark colours, just like his hair. "Have you been waiting long?"

He shrugs and then takes out his phone to look at the time. "Not really, just a few minutes." I nod and press my lips together, feeling the uncomfortable tension between us. It is strange that I hardly talked to him and now I have to talk to him more than once a week. 

He clears his throat as he pushes himself off the lockers. "Let's go, then?" he suggests with a tilted head and I nod slowly, following him out of the school building. The skating rink is the same way as the roller rink. It's a short ten-minute walk, but with Sunghoon by my side, it seems like an eternity.

As the cold air makes me shiver, I quietly observe Sunghoon. He has such an angelic face and fluffy black hair that contrasts beautifully with his pale skin. I can understand why many girls at our school feel something for him. He is just that boy. I watch as Sunghoon blows out some cold vapor before his eyes catch mine and I quickly look down.

I hear him chuckle and I blush with embarrassment that he saw me staring. Mustering up my confidence, I start a conversation first. 

"Since when did you start skating?"

He tilts his head up and thinks for a moment with a thoughtful look on his face. "I started when I was little, I think I've always wanted to do that" He looks down to meet me with a small smile and I give him one back. "What about you?"

"Oh" Looking down I chuckle. "Actually, I started out with figure skating, but then I saw that you could also roller skate and that was just more my thing. I like both, but roller skating is really what I like best." Smiling at the memories, I look up at an attentive Sunghoon and he just nods. 

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