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This whole morning I could only think of one thing. The lingering sensation of his lips on mine. Every time his confession rings in my mind, my skin tingles. It made me forget all my problems, if only for a few minutes. Although a nervous feeling creeps up on my skin. What will happen now? Did he regret it? I certainly don't regret it. I do feel things for him beyond friendship, I just never thought he felt the same. Frowning, I slow my stride. He's not playing games with me, is he?

Entering school, I see an unfamiliar sight. The troublemakers laugh along with Chae-Won and Eun-Ji as they seem to enjoy the company. Our groups have joined together and I suppose Chae-Won doesn't mind Eun-Ji's relationship anymore. When my best friends notice my arrival, they wave and I send one back. So I walk to the corner of the blue and yellow lockers, the typical hangout of the popular boys.

I share a secret, small but nervous smile with Sunghoon as soon as I stand next to Eun-Ji and laugh at the sight of Jake throwing small sweets into Jungwon's mouth, who leans back to actually catch them.

"How was training yesterday?" asks Eun-Ji as she's tucked under the arm of Heeseung who pulls her closer. It's still a strange sight, but I guess biology was useful for once, at least for Eun-Ji.

My smile slackens at the memory of Ye-Jun and I shiver before swallowing. "As usual..." Thinking about Ye-Jun again makes me feel uncomfortable. The memory of yesterday is an unpleasant feeling, so I haven't looked at my phone since, afraid he might have contacted me. She hums and smiles as I turn to look at the others again, though Sunghoon catches my gaze with a knowing look but I send him a grin to put the matter to rest.

"So when are you and Hoonie going to perform? I wanna see that shit" says Heeseung, who overheard the previous conversation, and I look slightly past Eun-Ji to see his face. I'm still cautious around him, but just address him like a normal person would. "Yes, I wanna go too!" shouts Ni-ki and we have now gathered everyone's attention. Sunoo's lips form a smirk and Jay's eyebrows lift up in interest. Jake and Jungwon temporarily stop their food exchange.

Shrugging my shoulders, I wrap my hands around the straps of my backpack. "Sometime in January right?" I don't know the date by heart, but Sunghoon nods and confirms my words.

"Yeah, it's the last weekend of the winter break."

I hope I can perform with him without many problems and then I can just continue roller skating as I always did.

I nod as I recall the date again. There is still so much to do, but I think we will get it done. We already know the routine completely and can do the tricks off the ice, all we have to do is perform it on the ice and practice, practice, practice.

The bell rings, indicating one word: Biology. Help. We're getting our results back from the duo project and I'm very curious about them. We split up to our own classes and I walk along with Heeseung, Eun-Ji, Ni-ki and Sunghoon.

Entering the already noisy classroom, the teacher arrives a few minutes later and closes the door with a loud thud, silencing the class. "Okay class, I have brought the correction of your duo assignment." She holds up the bundle of paper and I feel stressed for the result, knowing that half the class will fail her class. Biology is a curse at this school. But I have faith in it, because Sunghoon is really smart and to my mind we did a great job.

The teacher gestures for us to sit with our partner to look at the feedback and Sunghoon is quick to approach with his charming grin. He plops down next to me and adjusts his position by pushing his hips slightly forward and spreading his legs.

"Hey" he says with a grin and I smile back. Not knowing how to act I lean my head in my hand and wait for the teacher to hand back our assignment. He makes me so nervous. When the white sheets are presented there is a big A+ on them and I have to double-check to make sure it's not a hallucination.

I got a good grade, not a bad one, my mom will be happy, I hope. "Very well done, your project was the best this year." My eyes bulge as our biology teacher says this. Did I hear this correctly? I feel the excitement wash over me, Sunghoon sends our teacher a final smile and then scoots closer.

"You did great..." he murmurs, flicking through the pages. "We did a great job and oh how fantastic this is" He sends me a gentle smile and then slides the papers towards me so I can read along. Looking over his shoulder, I see almost no red and, for once, I'm quite pleased.

I swallow as a certain tension surrounds us as soon as we have fallen silent. He tries to say something, but a slap on my shoulder causes me to turn around to a hyper excited Ni-ki. "I got a freaking B!" He shouts as he waves the paper in front of me. "You heard that right, a B!" He extends the consonant and does a happy dance. Laughing softly, I congratulate him while the people at the table next to us share a kiss on the cheek while Eun-Ji claps excitedly. I think we all have good grades.

"Oh, don't forget practice tonight...if you still feel like it" Sunghoon catches my attention, making me look at him. "Practice...? Oh-oh yes of course!" I clear my throat. I had forgotten. He frowns but I just assure him.

"I can make it."

He licks his lips and looks outside as the rain clatters against the windows again, the glass being damp.

"And I want to continue. Don't worry. I'll sort it out." I refer to our conversation yesterday and his eyebrow goes up, but I nod and try to convince him. I'll find a way to make it work. If Ye-Jun snitches before I can tell our coach, he's an asshole for that.

He tilts his head with a teasing smirk, still not believing my words. Grinning softly, I look down. "I promise, I won't let you down."

His face morphs into awe and I feel the tingles of his gaze. The teacher's sudden slap startles us and makes us look back, she wants our attention now. Nobody moves to their original seat as everyone stays with their partner because the teacher wants us to improve the duo assignment so that the new, improved version can give better marks to those who had a poor result.

Shrugging my shoulders, I realise we don't have to do much, it will be one of those lessons where we can talk while the others correct the assignment. 

Turning around in our chairs, we start talking to Niki, Heeseung and Eun-Ji as they review their work. "Are you going to Bangchan's party?" Heeseung suddenly asks Ni-ki who is writing down the correction while his hair falls in front of his face. "Mh I don't know, I think I have dance practice." Heeseung hums as he nods while his arm lies across the back of Eun-Ji's chair.

"And you?" Heeseung continues the topic and faces Sunghoon who shrugs unsure. 

"Dahlia will be there" interjects Heeseung with a smirk and I now look between them. Sunghoon casts me a small glance, before looking at Heeseung again.

"She's going?"

"I'm going?

I'm confused, as I haven't even heard of this party myself. Heeseung pretends to think and shrugs. "You're invited now, besides, me and my baby are going too" He flashes that typical smile while slipping his arm around Eun-Ji's shoulder and I try my best not to gag at the sight of them.

Ni-ki looks up from his sheet and notices the uncomfortable sharing of eyes as he missed part of the conversation.

"If you're all going, then count me in as well" he mumbles, clutching his pen and turning his pages so it's back on the front cover when he's done. I guess he has changed his mind and will skip his dance class.

"Noted. See you all next Friday."

Since I have nothing to say about this, apparently we are all going now. When the bell rings, I turn back in my chair and close my book, but I linger because my eye catches something strange. In the corner of my book is a scribble and a small drawing. Don't think I haven't seen your stick figures. You're a terrible artist, you're lucky you're cute.

Scoffing at the teasing insult, I crack a smile and avert my eyes to see two stick figures; Sunghoon and I are holding hands with a heart above us. Before I can even speak to him, he's already out of the classroom. That sneaky link.


My motivation is dying, but yolo x

Good day/night :)


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