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Whiskey hung upside down in the tree, waiting for Coriolanus to arrive. Her hair sprawled below her, just touching the grass. Most of the other tributes were occupied with their mentors by the edge of the cage so Whiskey was left alone.

There was something different about this years hunger games. Usually, each tribute was treated like a lamb to the slaughter, yet this year, they were being treated like humans. When Whiskey was younger, she never watched the games much, but she knew that this was unusual. It made her uneasy. Why did the people in the capital suddenly care about the tributes? What was the point of humanising them if they were going to die anyway? Someone in power was changing the rules for their own entertainment. Someone was openly sharing their opinions of what the best way to kill her was. Someone in power cared so little for the value of life. Whiskey decided if she ever found out who they were, she would kill them. It was too dangerous to have someone like that around.

"Where's your mentor, lovebird?" A voice mocked from behind her.

Whiskey dropped her legs from the branch and turned around to see who had made the remark. Sure enough, one of the older female tributes and two of her friends stood in front of her with their arms crossed. Whiskey immediately felt intimidated. "I'm not sure," she replied simply, taking a step back for safety.

The eldest looking one brushed back her long brown hair and laughed in a mean way, "Oh she's not sure." Her friends laughed along but Whiskey couldn't see what was funny.

Whiskey turned to see where Ratley had gotten off to when one of the girls grabbed her shoulder, holding her still.

"Listen, girl. We wanted to ask if you would join our alliance," one asked.

Whiskey was shocked, "me?"

"Yeah sure. You're quick and agile plus the boys seem to like you," they smirked.

"I.. I'll think about it," Whiskey smiled. "I have my friend, Ratley-"

"We weren't asking," one girl threatened, her voice growing annoyed.

In that moment, Whiskey realised that there was no way she could take any of these girls so it would be easier to just agree, even if she didn't mean it. She could run away later.

"Sure," Whiskey nodded awkwardly, wishing Coriolanus would finally show up and meet her like the other mentors. He was never late. Why was he late?

"Great," the eldest grinned. "Come with us."

"What? Why?" Whiskey questioned, not wanting to go off with these girls.

"To see the other members of the alliance silly," she grinned, walking away with the other girls.

Whiskey stumbled on a stick, turned back at the edge to see if Coriolanus was there yet, then blindly followed the girls towards the cave in the corner. She didn't trust them at all but it was probably okay. What could they do in here that they weren't going to do in the arena?

They entered the cave and Whiskey could sense something was wrong. She couldn't see anyone else in the darkness. It was cold and quiet, dripping from somewhere. Whiskey looked at the girls feeling unsure but they ushered her forward regardless.

"Hello?" She called suspiciously as she walked further in. The girls giggled behind her.


A hand clasped around her mouth as she tried to scream. The other girls ran away laughing loudly as Whiskey fought for her life.

She thrashed her arms, punching and kicking at anything she could find. She connected with the attackers leg and heard him curse. This made it worse. In a rage, he managed to pull her arms over her head and constrain the rest of her body. "Stupid bitch," he cursed, puffing from the fight she put up.

As her eyes started to adjust to the darkness, Whiskey began to make out his features. He had slicked back brown hair in a bun and was wearing a black singlet. His hands were painfully rough as they travelled over her body invasively. He was the man from district 7.

Stop," she cried. "Please."

He was extremely strong and overpowered her easily. Whiskey didn't call out for help. It was too late. Nobody would help her even if they heard her anyway.

Finally the man let her go and stepped back, tucking in his singlet again. Whiskey didn't move. She just sat there. She could still feel his hands moving through her hair. She could still taste his musty saliva. His BO covered her clothes.

He smirked, looking at his prize. Then, without warning, slapped her across the face, hard. Whiskey's head snapped left as her hands jumped to protect her cheek. She let out a small whimper, spitting out blood.

"Tell anyone and I'll kill you," he threatened. Whiskey believed him.

By the time he left, she was cold all over. She was shivering against the hard stone of the cave wall.

"Everdeen? Where are you?" She heard Ratley calling for her.

She didn't want to but she unsteadily stood up because she knew she had to. She wiped her tears and flattened down her hair. Everything was going to be okay.

On the way out of the cave, she spotted the three girls laughing at her by the edge of the zoo. Whiskey felt stupid and self conscious but didn't cry, like they wanted. Instead she plastered on a fake smile and waved at Ratley.

He ran over to her, "Finally, I've been looking for you everywhere." He complained. "Apparently so has your mentor. Snows waiting for you," he rolled his eyes. Whiskey didn't feel she was doing a good job hiding anything but must've been putting on a great mask because he didn't notice anything. Instead he walked away, complaining about something useless. Whiskey's desperation for comfort grew with Ratley's complete dismissal.

She floated in a heavy way towards Coriolanus. She was very aware of the district 7 man watching her every move, making sure she didn't tell her mentor.

Before she could sit, Snow reached through the bars and touched her face were her bruise was now forming. "What happened?" He exclaimed searching her face for answers. He looked genuinely concerned and even thought she knew it was a show for the cameras, she allowed herself the small comfort of his hand.

"I fell," She croaked.

Snow frowned but accepted the excuse. "Oh, I wanted to tell you. Tomorrow there's a meeting for strategy at the capital hall. Be ready."

THE HUNGER GAMES: the taste of Whiskey and Snow // CORIOLANUS SNOWWhere stories live. Discover now