Chapter 3

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After four and a half hours of shaking and bumping my head on the window, the train finally stopped at my destination. I was about to step outside on the platform, and a young girl called out to me. I turned around, making sure that my head was low. "Don't you have anything, miss?" she asked as she checked my empty hands, and I smiled at her concern.

"Nope, I am simply living life as it is. Adios." Staying in the same place with all these people wasn't ideal for my situation. I searched for a fast-food spot to recharge my phone and eat something since I didn't eat anything besides that apple yesterday.

I walked around for a while, scanning the area, until I found an empty small diner. It was open, and the worker seemed bored. Perfect for me. 

I stepped inside and the bell rang, and I winced. It was too loud. He instantly smiled, welcoming me in as he said, "Good morning." I reflected the same energy because I was not mean, and he was nice. He straightened his posture. "Welcome, ma'am. What would you like?" he asked excitedly, and his eyes sparkled with joy. I was probably his first customer, and I was happy for him.

"I would like two cheese sandwiches, one to go and one to eat here, with a bottle of water. Also..." I hesitated to ask, but he nodded for me to continue. "Do you have a charger, by any chance? My phone died." I hoped he was generous enough to lend me the white charger I spotted from behind the counter. I would sing for him if I had to... though it wasn't the best of ideas.

"Of course." He handed it to me, making me relax my tense muscles. "I will prepare your order in no time. Please, have a seat," he added, and I sat next to an outlet and charged my phone. 

It was an older version, but better than the one Dad got me, filled with spying applications and navigation systems. I didn't want to risk being caught.

"Excuse me..." The guy's head popped from the kitchen, giving golden retriever vibes. I reined in my chuckle and cleared my throat. "I am looking for a safe shelter for homeless people. Do you happen to know any? I am looking for someone and have no idea where to begin." I didn't like lying, but desperate situations called for desperate measures.

He seemed to buy my innocent white lie and opened his phone. A few minutes later, he brought my order and a paper with a few addresses on it. "These are the places I used to sleep in before I got this job and rented an apartment. People there are nice, and I hope you find whomever you are searching for, ma'am." 

He gave me hope to find my way through this one day.

"Thank you, and how much do I owe you?" I asked as I gestured for the charger as well.

"That will be eleven dollars for the food and water." I smiled at his generosity and tipped him four extra dollars. Again, if I had more money, I would have tipped more. I had 78 dollars left and hoped they would last me three more days.

No more food until tomorrow night, Verena. 

You lasted longer without food before.

I ate one sandwich and left the diner once my phone was fully charged. "Now, I need to find my way to these places. Scan them, and then decide which was best for me to sleep in." I often talked with myself, but some passer-byes found it weird and avoided me like the plague. I didn't mind. I got used to being seen as the odd one out.

I am special, and some cannot handle my specialness.

Is that even a word?

Fluent in five languages but unsure if specialness is a word.

You are special, alright, Verena.

Once I arrived at the first location, it was already two in the afternoon. I skimmed through the area but didn't like it that much as it was close to the main road, and there were surveillance cameras across the street. I rushed to the second location, which was an hour away from this, by foot.

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