Chapter 11

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Izan was extremely strong, and the tattoos on his biceps didn't help my case. He managed to carry me in one hand while holding the bags all the way to the car, which was parked on the tenth floor. He had stamina.

I wonder if he has the same stamina for...

Shut up, Verena.

"Verena." Izan's deep voice sent shivers down my spine as I was attached to him like a koala. My ears instantly warmed up from our proximity. I should've noticed this earlier, but I didn't because I was terrified of my dad. I didn't want him to see me. 

I didn't want to marry the ugly duckling. Heath was willing to take advantage of me to get money from my dad, and Dad thought he was perfect for his public image.

Jokes on him... 

I ain't telling him he kidnapped me, or should I?

"Verena," Izan called again, and I snapped out of my daze and looked at the open car. He was waiting for me to let go of him while I was overthinking about worthless beings.

I jumped down and felt my cheeks warm up. "Sorry," I whispered and sat in the car. "Thank you for playing along," I added, and he slammed the door in my face.

Bipolar much?

"I know I am heavy," I was not. "But you don't have to be rude about it!" I commented the moment he stepped in the car and drove. 

The way he tightened his fists on the wheel worried me, so I decided to mess with him. 

My logic was not sound, yet I didn't care. If I cared, I would've escaped long ago from home, but here I was, sitting next to the Spanish Mafia leader and pushing his buttons. 

"I get that you got tired from carrying all of this awesomeness, but you don't have to be a grump about it. Or are you weak? If so, it's my bad for assuming otherwise." I was playing with fire, and his glare told me I just sprayed fuel on it.

This is fun!

Dad never gave me the reaction I wanted when I pushed his buttons, but Izan did. He glanced at me briefly, then focused back on the road. "¿Qué carajo hice para quedarme atrapado con esta loca?" he asked himself, but apparently, he forgot I understood him. [What did I fucking do to be stuck with this crazy woman?]

"Excuse you! I am not loca. You are! Besides, your life was boring before I graced it with my presence," I replied, not knowing where all of this confidence came from. It felt like I had known Izan all my life, which was very ironic considering we had just met.

He mumbled something under his breath and then threw a card at me. "Shut up and keep this with you," he demanded angrily, but I paid him no attention and stared at the credit card on my lap.

"What's this?"

"A credit card."

I rolled my eyes. "No shit, I know what this is. I meant, what's it for?" It was black with golden numbers on it. It was pretty and fancy.

"Use it whenever you want."

I slipped it back into his lap. "No thanks," I replied. I was not to be pitied.

"Verena," he started with a sigh. "Take it before I shove it in places you won't recover from."

My eyes widened in fear, but his amused expression indicated he was messing with me. "But it's yours!"

"I always keep two cards with me. The budget is unlimited. Use it however you want," he explained so nonchalantly that I almost slapped his head.

Don't do it, Verena.

He has a gun. You don't.

Not that you would use it if you had one.

But how rich was he? Billions?

I knew he was too stubborn to take it back, so I accepted it. "I will return it once I get my first paycheck." He stayed silent. "Izan, I'm serious." No reply, and I groaned. "Izan!"

"Sure," he finally said, and I smiled in victory.


"So, when will I start working?" I asked after I put every bag in my room, with Izan's help, of course, since I refused to make a second trip to the car.

He walked to his room, and I followed him. "You will meet the Mafia tomorrow, so probably next week." I suddenly felt anxious, and I bet my expression gave me away since he stared at me for a while. 

"What?" he asked, sitting on his bed. 

I just stood near the door because I didn't want to invade his privacy more than I already had.

"Are they nice?" I asked, playing with the hem of my shirt. It was getting hotter each day as summer was in less than two months, and I contemplated wearing one of the new pairs of shorts Izan bought for me today.


"Your Mafia men..."

Why am I so self-conscious all of a sudden?

Woman up, Verena.

He looked at me like he was trying to solve a puzzle, and I shifted in my place. "No, but they will be." His reply caught me off guard, but I smiled, feeling relieved. 

He was going with me, so I had nothing to worry about. Besides, if I could handle Izan's grumpy butt, then the rest would be a breeze. I hoped.

But why is he stripping?

"I will take a shower. If you want to stay, fine by me," he said with no emotions whatsoever, causing me to squirm in my place until I finally dashed out the door, blushing like crazy.

"Enjoy," I called back and went to my room.

Enjoy what? Showering?

His abs were so defined, and his chest looked tough and smexy.

I want to touch it.

No, you don't, Verena.

Yes, I do.



She's getting comfortable... too comfortable LOL 

I hope you liked this chapter!

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