Chapter Four

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I shifted into my beautiful white tundra wolf and went for a stroll to clear my mind.

Zade was really getting on my nerves.

The breeze brushed against my fur as I sat close to a river. I wanted to play in the water but hesitated when I felt a pair of eyes watching me from the shadows.

I growled.

It could only be Zade.

I wanted to tell him to leave me alone but that would mean me being naked in front of him. I wasn't going to give him the privilege of eyeing my naked body.

Zade stepped out from the shadows with his hands in his pockets. "I just wanted to check up on you."

I growled at him.

"Okay, I know you're mad. Shift so we can talk."

I growled louder as a protest which didn't seem to bother him because he demanded, "Shift."

I bared my teeth, saliva dripping.

"Here." He held my clothes in his hand.

I snarled but took my clothes from his hand. I trotted to a nearby tree and shifted behind it. Once I did, I stormed towards Zade.

"What is your problem, Zade? Can I have at least an hour of alone time?"

"No." He smiled. "Not when I know what you're capable of."

I wanted to rip his head off. I wanted to kill him right then and there.

"If you want to go out then we can go out. Together. Just ask. I won't say no." He purred.

"And what if you're busy?"

"I'll stop and attend to you."

"And what if it's really important like a meeting or something?" I asked.

"Then I'll postpone it."

My hands fisted, ready to punch him in the face. "I don't believe you. Five years ago, you didn't care. Now suddenly you do?" I said.

"Can't a man have his girl?"

I scoffed and walked passed him. I went back to the pack house and went straight to my room, locking the door afterwards.

I decided to stay there the entire day. If Zade actually cared about me then he would obviously check up on me.

"Esra?" Right on time. Maybe now I'll get my apology.

I opened the door. "What? What do you want from me, Zade?"

"Esra, I just want you." He stepped inside my room causing me to step backwards.

"Esra, I love you. Please, give me a chance."

I stayed silent. My eyes were locked on him, admiring every inch of him, but deep down I knew behind that flawless face and body was something different. Something dark.

He cheated on me continuously. He didn't care and now he suddenly does?

I wasn't falling for his tricks twice. What's the point at forgiving when there's no apology?

"Esra..." He held my hands in his. "I will care for you, I will love you, I will protect you. Please, I can't lose you again."

I wanted to give in so badly but I couldn't. Trust issues. I'm scared that I'll end up broken again. Even when I dated Derek I still loved Zade and I still do. But this doubt at the back of my mind...

But once you break the trust you have with someone it's hard to regain it again.

Te biggest reason I didn't trust him is because after all he's done he hasn't said 'sorry'. Despite everything he did for me when I came here. All I wanted was a simple word. I even tried to make it obvious, but he's too thick-headed to realise. That part of him hasn't changed.

Bound To The Alpha [EDITING] (#1 New Moon) Where stories live. Discover now