Chapter Twenty Four (Zade's POV)

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Esra was gone. Again.

I sent search parties out to look for her but she was long gone. Almost like she vanished into thin air.

My office was a mess. The anger in me didn't spare anything. Heat boiled from within. I was pissed.

"Dammit, Esra!" I banged my desk.

I couldn't believe she wasn't paralyzed. I couldn't believe she'd actually do something like that.

"Alpha Kratos, you should see this. It's bad. We don't have time." Alpha Hayes barged into my office. "What the-"

"Don't." I cut him off, lifting my hand to silence him then clenching it into a fist after. "Don't ask." I sighed. "I'll be right there."

He gave a nod. I followed him to the next office.

"The full moon is tonight." He said. "Its-"

"The blood moon." I punched the wall. "Fuck this, Esra. This is why you ran away!"

"Calm down, Alpha Kratos."

"Calm down? Calm down?" I shouted. "How can I calm down?" The walls seemed to vibrate with my voice.

"You shouldn't be so infuriated." Hayes frowned. "Not unless..."

"What are you talking about?" I questioned.

"Your mate ran away. You shouldn't be so angry. Your wolf shouldn't be like this. Only if she's..."

My breath hitched. "No. I cannot be."


"I refuse to believe that!" The anger swelled inside. "Esra, cannot be pregnant. Can she?" I choked on my words.


"Is this why she ran away? Hm? Does she not trust me? Does she not love me?"

"Calm down, we have a war to prepare for tonight."

"Fuck this war."

Alpha Hayes kept quiet.

"Why are our lives so complicated?" I sighed.

"Alpha, if Azrael has the Moonstone right now then we're all doomed. We need your father."

"I want Azrael dead." I gritted my teeth.

"He's a demon wolf. It's in his nature." Hayes said.

"I'd rather just fucking die right now."

"No. You're not thinking straight. This isn't you, Alpha Kratos. You're a dire wolf. A pure blood. You will lead this war and win."

"You know we're not going to win." He remained silent. "You already know."

"I'm just trying to save everyone's lives. That's one of my priorities as an Alpha."

"That's your priority. Mine is my mate." I growled.

"Our mates are our first priority but your mate is damn confused! She does not know what she wants! One minute she loves you and the next she's running away. How many times has she run away? How many times has she actually loved you?" He narrowed his eyes. "She has disgraced the Argent blood line. She isn't fit to be an Alpha female. She is more human than shifter. She's weak."

I growled and grabbed his collar. "Talk about her one more time like that and I'll make sure you regret it."

"You know it's true. You just don't want to accept it."

I growled and let him go. "I forced Esra to come here. She lived in the human world peacefully. I'm the reason why she left in the first place. I'm the reason why she's like this now. And I hate myself for it." With that I turned my back at him and walked away.

Bound To The Alpha [EDITING] (#1 New Moon) Where stories live. Discover now