CH : 5 - Stop fangirling! - Cloud recesses arc (part 2)

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The silence was killing. Seeing as nobody was talking I was proud. It means that noone was expecting the value of my gift to be so good and all were underestimating me.

Before the silence could follow any longer, a hot voice sounded saying :
"Thank you, young lady Ya. I say this on behalf of the Lan clan, thank you for your generous gift."

It was the voice of Lan Xichen. He was truly as kind as one could think. He had a smile on his face. Gosh, how handsome!

"You're welcome young master Lan. It was a simple gift to thank you for your kindness of letting me learn in the Lan clan as a guest disciple." I curtsied and bowed my head a little.

It seemed for a moment as if the young masters were surprised by my great manners. Heh, if only you knew that was a facade.

"No need to be so humble lady Ya, your gift was nothing but exquisite."

"If I remember correctly, being humble is a rule in the cloud recesses. Seeing as I am currently in the cloud recesses, there is nothing wrong with following the rules here." I closed my eye a little before opening them again slowly but surely while smiling warmly.

"Indeed it is a rule here. I just didn't expect anyone from the outside to read them or even look at them." Lan Xichen answered honestly holding back a chuckle.

"Indeed, people tend to break these rules on a daily basis as most of them are seen as everyday things. It will certainly be hard to adapt here for most. Though I myself enjoy the scenery and quiet of this place."

"I am glad to hear that. Now if you can sit down I will announce to everyone when lessons will start and give them any other information they might need." He smiled at me warmly as if he enjoyed the conversation before turning to the rest of the people in the hall.


It had been announced that the females and males would have lessons together but their dormitories will be far apart.

Honestly, that was a sh*t rule! I want to see Jiang Cheng out of class too. Alright, call me a simp if you want but he's hot, ok?! He's just my type. Not to soft, not to mean, black hair, anger issues, matching personalities, a sob story and extremely handsome. What was there to hate?

I'm off to find him right now. No running and 3 hours before curfew. No breaking the rules either. First things first, find Wei Wuxian and tell him I have a crush on his shidi.

After trying to find him for approximately 35 minutes I found absolutely nothing.

After trying to find him for approximately 1 h 25 minutes I still found noone.

I decided to apologize to Wen Qing instead if I found her on the way. When I saw her I slowly walked to her and talked to her in a low yet hear able voice.

"Young lady Wen, I apologize if I offended you earlier. I was simply angered by Wen Chao and how mannerless he was."

I made a small bow of the head while saying this.

"There is no need to apologize lady Ya as I didn't take it to heart. You were right, my young master was acting rather irrationally."

"Very well then, I will take you on your word that you have forgiven me. Please pardon me as I need to go back to my quarters before curfew."

"Goodbye lady Ya and I wish you a good day."


*In my dorm

I threw myself on the bed without a care in the world.

I didn't get to meet my crush, Jiang Cheng! I won't ever be able to rest if I don't see him tomorrow.

Right we have lessons together tomorrow. I will surely be able to see him then!

Alright let's draw a little before going to bed. It's not nine yet.

I'm definitely borrowing some books and boys .... cough cough, novels tomorrow.

Timeskip the next day

I was sound asleep before the sound of some sort of gigantic clock rang through my ears. I fell from the bed on my back.

Right, classes. Ugh, I already finished school back at my original world and now I have to go to school, again!

Come on, let's see this from the bright side. I get to look at Jiang Cheng for a year in class!

I'm planning on making it obvious for Wei Wuxian that I'm observing his shidi during a few days and then tell him that I like Jiang Cheng.

Plan A commence!

Plan B is simply to wait half a year, make Jiang Cheng fall for me during that time and then confess to him but plan A is better since u can get the help of the master flirt, Wei Wuxian himself!

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