CH : 8 - Two sailing ships - Cloud recesses arc (part 5)

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[Sorry for being gone for some time. I just had a lot of exams waiting around the corner for me and Christmas was coming up so I had to prepare some gifts and all, so, yeah.]


After being scolded and going back to my room to sleep, someone knocked on my door.

I was just about to sleep before being disturbed. I valued my sleep a lot more than one would think.

Because of the disturbance, I was in a sour mood.

I opened the door ready to scold the person disturbing me before making myself shut up and saying anything I would regret.

The one knocking was Jiang Cheng!

"Can I come in?" He said seemingly hesitating.

"Yeah, sure. Come in."

I let him come in and quickly closed the door after that.

Without letting me ask why he was there, he started to explain.

"The clan patrollers were too close to my room and I couldn't get in my room. I thought for a while and wondered if I could sleep here tonight?"

It didn't take long for me to think of an answer. I mean, my crush is asking if he was allowed to sleep in my room. What kind of person would I be if I said no?

"Alright, but only for tonight."

I said while nodding.

It took a lot of time to convince him that I was alright sleeping on the floor while he took the bed.

I mean he was a young master that was used to being pampered and all.

I laid on my back to sleep with the extra cover and pillow that comes with the room.

When I closed my eyes, I tried going to sleep but I felt someone stare at me which made me uncomfortable.

I opened my eyes and saw Jiang Cheng staring at me from the bed.

He was staring as if he was thinking about something.

'He might be thinking about something important. I shouldn't disturb him.'

I thought to myself.

After that thought, I closed my eyes and went to sleep ignoring the stare I got from my crush.


I woke up from someone calling my name over and over.

Turns out Jiang Cheng was waking me up.

Even though I'm a heavy sleeper, I woke up easily this time.

I wonder if it's because my senses have been getting better ever since I started cultivating or because it was my crush that was telling me to wake up.

Guess I'll never know.


I quickly got up after my 'blushing because I and my crush were sleeping in the same room' session.

I kicked Jiang Cheng out nicely to put on my clothes and get ready.

He said that he would wait for me but I told him that it was fine if he didn't want to.


I bet not many girls can get their crush to insist on waiting for them and go together to class.

Seeing as I had someone waiting for me outside, I changed quickly and got out.

"I'm ready to go." I said.

"Alright then, let's go." He said.

We didn't hold hands or anything on the way. Honestly, he just walked in front of me.

He didn't even try and look back!

What a bummer!

When we entered the class hall, barely anyone was there yet.

Jiang Cheng didn't seem to pay this any mind and sat in his seat quietly.

It didn't take long before young masters started to pour in.

Though it did take Wei Wuxian a few hours.

There was honestly one guy who came before me and Jiang Cheng.

Lan Wangji.

Honestly, if I wasn't loyal, I'd be head over heels for this man.

This perfect in every way man!


I am loyal.

Back to Wei Wuxian. He didn't keep his mouth shut at all! He kept talking and talking to Lan Wangji without taking a break!

He even tried pranking him!

And the worst part is yet to come.

Lan Wangji was blushing slightly every time Wei Wuxian talked to him!

These two are like two best friends in love. One being non-expressive and the other a 'I can't stop talking' person.

Watching them in reality and seeing the ship sailing happily overseas, is kinda making me happy.

And there came the dark thoughts. About how Wei Wuxian will die. Lan Wangji's suffering and scars.

Oh, come on!

Do they have to go through all that?

Oh, wait...they don't.

At least not with me here that is.

Class ended faster than expected today and hell was I happy about that.

I tried talking to Wei Wuxian and give him a piece of my mind about what happened the day before.

When I had just opened my mouth to talk, I found myself being dragged away again by him.

"So, how did it go, and where was Jiang Cheng last night? Don't tell me you hit it off that well that you did it on the first night?"

After listening to all that, it was hard to not blush like crazy.

What was he saying!? Hit it off that good? Did it on the first night?

I was wondering for a while before it struck me.

What he meant was 'that'!?

What the hell is wrong with your dirty mind?!

"Wei Wuxian! You can't ask a girl such things and no! We didn't do anything improper like you thought!"

I yelled out while blushing madly.

"So, you don't know where Jiang Cheng was last night?"

He asked completely ignoring my previous answer.

"He was...with me. Sleeping."

I said sheepishly.


He yelled with no hesitation and eyes wide open, ready to pop out.


He started laughing all of a sudden with his hand on his stomach.

I stared at him, confused.

When his laughter died out, he finally started to talk.

"I never imagined that my Jiang-shidi would go all out with a girl he only exchanged greetings with."


[Tell me if you want me to write any new chapters. I'm a little busy right now because of Christmas and New Year. But if someone wants more chapters, just say so in the comments and I will do the best I can. It's a little embarrassing to say this but I get motivation from kind comments or when someone says they like my work.]

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