Chapter 13

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Rhys didn't need directions to find McDougall's Pub. He frequently visited Polson, and the mystery of where he disappeared every other night was solved. He found an empty parking space in a jammed parking lot and pulled his vehicle in. The second the engine shut off, I practically jumped out and put myself at a safe distance. Being trapped in a vehicle with him for twenty minutes wasn't easy. His oaky smell filled every breathable space, and I couldn't escape. He softly sang along to every song on the radio and tried desperately to include me in his melodies. I was pretty sure I was in over my head by agreeing to tag along. I couldn't let myself have fun with Rhys. Could I?

Walking together toward the closed front doors, Rhys jogged ahead and pulled the door open for me. I was a little taken aback by his sweet gesture. That wasn't the Rhys Wyatt I remembered.

"Ladies first," he smirked.

When we stepped inside, a band was already playing fast bluegrass country. Rhys quickly scanned the room and pointed to a tall, skinny guy leaning against the side wall, watching the band. Rhys grabbed my hand and led the way, navigating us over to him as he weaved us through the packed room.

When the guy noticed us approaching, he smiled broadly at Rhys. "I was wondering where the hell you were, Wyatt. Your set starts in fifteen minutes," he yelled over the music.

"Fully aware, Chris," Rhys shouted back.

Chris was the one in charge of the musicians. He had a skinny frame and wore a flannel shirt. His hair was dark and unruly, and I would have been scared he was scolding Rhys instead of teasing him if he hadn't been grinning.

Chris glanced down at me standing beside Rhys and cocked a brow. "You brought a friend, I see?"

Rhys looked over at me. "Chris, this is Ivy. Ivy, this is Chris. He's Stage Manager for McDougall's Pub."

"Hello," I smiled at him.

"Nice to meet you," Chris nodded back at me and looked over at the stage. "You better hurry up, Wyatt. You are minutes away from your set."

Rhys pulled up on the strap of his guitar case and placed his hand on the small of my back. He guided me through the crowd once again and over to the bar. His subtle touch caused goosebumps to spread all over my skin. He pulled out an empty barstool and nodded toward it.

"Sit here, okay? Don't move," he warned. His smooth, caring voice made me feel warm. I nodded and relaxed slightly as he waved to the bartender. "What would you like to drink?"

I didn't care for a drink. But I also didn't want to be rude, so I ordered.

"Whiskey, I guess."

Rhys smiled. "Whiskey, huh? Have I corrupted you?"

He had more than corrupted me. Rhys had been destroying me for as long as I could remember, and he never even knew he was.

I laughed. "Maybe a little."

"Two whiskeys, Kenny," Rhys said. Kenny, the bartender, poured two whiskeys and slid them to Rhys.

"Cheers," Rhys said and handed me one to me. We took a sip in unison.

"Thank you," I said, placing my drink on the bar top.

"Don't leave your drink like that unattended." He grabbed my drink from the bar top and returned it to me. "Jesus, Ivy. The last thing I need is for you to get drugged by some idiot."

I laughed. "Maybe that kind of stuff happens in California, but it doesn't happen here."

Concern flashed in Rhys's eyes. "It can happen anywhere," he said, and his voice grew closer as he leaned further. His hand brushed my arm, and I tensed. He was too close now.

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