Chapter 32: After Shift Kisses

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"And... we don't have to sit close to one another..."

Even after I had left school, Mr. Scott's words lingered in my mind like a persistent echo, following me all the way to Brown's later that day. His wink, coupled with his suggestion of catching a movie next week, left me feeling both exhilarated and bewildered.

Was it really to help in refining my third act, as he claimed, or did it hint at something more?

Perhaps I was reading too much into it, but I couldn't shake off the flutter in my chest.

Sitting in the passenger seat beside Mom, attempting to engage in conversation with Belle without looking like I'd wandered into a daydream, my heart continued its erratic dance.

As my mother dropped me off at Brown's, I noticed the comings and goings of customers, the hustle and bustle of the holiday season was evident in the steady stream of people. Adam asked if I could work more hours, and I agreed. I needed the extra cash for the holidays, so I didn't mind the extra work.

Adam and I had managed to bury the awkwardness stemming from our recent kiss, slipping effortlessly back into the rhythm of friendship.

When it got busy, I phoned home to tell my parents I wouldn't make it for dinner on time. Dad, knowing I was at Brown's, eagerly asked if Adam would join us.

"No, Dad," I quickly replied to clear up any confusion.

After that, Adam and I stayed busy for the next three hours. By the time we closed up shop and the last customer left, I was relieved. My legs ached from standing so long, and my cheeks hurt from smiling.

"You can put these back on the shelves while I lock up," Adam said, handing me a box of books. I hated it when customers took books and didn't put them back where they got them.

I walked among the shelves, scanning for empty spots. Darn it. I dreaded using the ladder in the shop. It was old and wobbly. But it was the only way to reach the upper shelves, where the Greek literature was kept.

Scaling that shaky ladder, I hollered at Adam, "Hey, Adam, your ladder's giving me retirement vibes!"

My breath huffed out as I tried to steady myself and concentrate on putting the books back where they belonged. The final book, Prometheus Bound, ended up three books to the right and a tad too far for my reach.

"Almost there..." With my eyes fixed above, I reached out, aiming to slip the book snugly between The Oresteia and Oedipus. But then, suddenly, the ladder's rungs creaked and wobbled. "What the—"

I didn't realize how fast Adam's reflexes were until he caught me before I hit the ground.

Was he there the whole time?

His arms enveloped me, cushioning what could have been a disastrous fall. My eyes remained shut, the adrenaline still coursing through my veins, while my fingers clung to the fabric of his shirt for dear life. I could practically sense the pounding of his heart beneath.

And that scent—intoxicating, familiar.

I took a trembling breath, and I heard him inhale deeply. Opening my eyes slowly, I realized the gravity of the situation. A fall from that height could have had dire consequences, perhaps even broken bones or worse.

"You scared me." Adam's voice trembled with genuine concern, sending a ripple of guilt through me. And the proximity of his voice, so close to my ear, stirred something inside me—something I couldn't quite grasp.

With so much care, he gently lowered me to the ground, his gaze never leaving mine. Still reeling from the shock, I took a step back but then found myself lost in the depths of his blue-green eyes, the flush of his cheeks, and the flutter of his lashes as they blinked back at me.

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