Chapter 60: A Surprise Call

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That night, I picked at my food, half-listening as my family chattered about Belle's first attempt at baking red velvet cupcakes. Burnt on the outside and raw batter in the middle, apparently.

"The cupcakes tasted awful," Belle sighed dramatically. "I followed the recipe exactly! I don't get what went wrong."

"Baking is tricky," Mom replied. "It takes practice. At least you're trying new things. We're proud of you for experimenting in the kitchen."

"Burnt outside and raw inside means the oven was too hot," Dad added helpfully. "You've got to get the temperature just right.

"But I did the cinnamon bread right the first time," Audrey said.

"But when your dad did it the first time, it was a complete mess that first time," Mom replied, obviously trying to make Audrey feel better.

"I did a lot of tweaking and reading, sweetie," Dad chimed in.

"And look at your dad now," Mom continued proudly. "You've got your father's persistence when it comes to baking."

Dad chuckled. "Oh, I remember spending hours and hours getting my Napoleons and chocolate soufflés just right back in the day. There were many a burnt, inedible disasters along the way."

He reached over to ruffle Belle's hair affectionately. "The key is not getting discouraged, Belle. Every failed attempt is just bringing you one step closer to baking mastery."

Belle made a face at the hair tousle but seemed reinvigorated. "I guess you're right. Next time I'll just adjust the oven temperature like you said. I'm not giving up yet!"

I made all the right murmurs and reactions, but my mind kept wandering back to my brief run-in with Jay that afternoon.

Adam was definitely back in town too. I wasn't sure if I was ready to see him again. Just the thought of it made my heart race and my appetite vanish.

I nearly jumped when I felt my phone buzz in my pocket. I pulled it out subtly to glance at the screen under the table. Adam. After all this time, his name lit up my phone. I felt a nervous twist in my gut.

"Who is it, hon?" my mom asked.

"Oh,'s Adam," I replied hesitantly. My thumb hesitated over the screen.

My dad's face lit up. "Going to take the call?"

I nodded, smiling faintly. "Yeah, I should see what he wants."

I stood up from the table, and I clicked the answer button on my phone as I hurried out of the dining area, my heart pounding. I made my way out to the patio, closing the door behind me to get some privacy.

For a moment, there was only silence on the other end after I nervously breathed out a "Hello?"

I wondered if Adam was having second thoughts about calling me in the first place.

Finally, I heard his voice for the first time in over two years. "Wendy? Hi..." He sounded hesitant, nervous even. Just like I felt.

"Adam, hey..." I leaned against the patio railing, gazing out into the darkness of our backyard without really seeing it. This was the boy I had once told all my secrets to, cuddled close while watching movies, and celebrated every birthday with. And now we can hardly string two words together.

Why? Well, because this is the same guy I shared my first kiss with, had my first real argument with, the one who professed his love for me, and the one I left behind.

" have you been?" he asked awkwardly after a pause.

"Oh, good. Yeah, good. Just got back for the summer. What about you?" I winced at the inane small talk. But what else was I supposed to say after all this time?

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