15. 🎂5th Birthday 🎂

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It was the 31st of December and two very excited boys were jumping around at 4am for no bloody well reason besides their birthday but come on they didn't have to jump on Errikos' bed waking the man up with pain in his stomach

"Ow" he was in the fetal position and glared up to the boys who were laughing

"I love you boys completely but not when you wake me up at..." check the time with his wand "...at 4am go back to bed you won't be able to have your presents until after breakfast and last time I remembered it isn't until 8am either"

"Papa come on time to get up it's our birthday's!!" they bounced on the bed again laughing Tit and Tat brought in hot chocolate for the three of them

"You really starting to give them a sugar boost this early in the morning?" the two elves just smiled before they left to get breakfast ready

"What's this?" asked Len not ever having hot chocolate before

"Well Len it's hot chocolate it's a drink made from hot milk and chocolate powder go ahead and try it it's sweet"

"I don't like sweet things"

"I know but you don't but you might like this plus it will warm you right up as neither of you have your dressing gowns or slippers on" helps them into his bed and hands them both their hot chocolate "there nice and warm now"

He watched his son's enjoy their sweet sugary drink which both of them loved, they stayed in the bed until 6 when Errikos told them to go and wash up and to put on something comfortable as they were most likely be playing most of the day

The two of them ran off laughing and got ready

"I love them that's all that matters" and he got up and got ready

The boys ran in again dressed the same but different colours

"Don't you get bored dressing the same all the time?"

"Nope" said both boys taking holding his hands and started to drag him off for breakfast

"I want pancakes!" said Len as they were his favourite at the moment

"I want eggy bread!" said Kam again it was his favourite at the moment

"I know Tit and Tat will have it ready for the pair of you, I just want my coffee" said Errikos as he yawned

They sat down and in front of them was their favourites they giggled again so far today had been such a good day for them even if they had gotten their father up early

Soon the other children were over and the twins were amazed at them all it wasn't all of them mind you but most of them were there

The only ones that that weren't there were Matilda Burke, Kai Flint and Alisa Travers as they had other commitments

The children ran off to play including little Regulus who toddled around as he was the youngest out of the children

Errikos had set up the sun room for the children to play in and hold the party for the boys everything was set up, there was a long table each with a spot with little name tags on that he had write the names and the boys had drawn pictures of their friends so then they could see where they sat, they had picked out the theme which was the Hogwarts houses but had more snakes and potions in it the colours were just random to be honest but it was their birthday so Errikos let them have it

The parents watched as the children played a number of games the laughing and the loud noises didn't please most parents but when they saw how happy their children were they relented somewhat

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