23. Wizengamot

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Dumbledore was his usual buoyant self, Errikos noted when he entered following the young Auror he had been jovially talking with some people in his atrocious orange robe why did he not wear the plum robe uniform of the Wizengamot session? does he consider himself above the rule because of his Chief Warlock position?

Errikos bit the inside of his cheek and kept his eyes on ahead when his attention snapped to him as soon as he entered. Arcturus, Abraxas, and Rayden were following them, so he knows he has seen them all.

"Here, Lord Peverell," the young Auror showed him his seat among the dais Errikos nodded in a small thanks and pressed his hand on the head of the seat and all his Lordship rings became visible, shining, and glowing.

"I, Errikos Ignotus Peverell, Lord of Peverell, Gryffindore, Hufflepuff, Slytherin and Ravenclaw, I solemnly declare that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the Wizengamot of Magical Britain and that I will do right to all manner of people in accordance with the Constitution and the law, without fear or favour, affection or ill-will, so mote it be."

The Peverell seat glowed, along with four more seats across the room and then they merged magically, earning several gasps declaring his Lordship is true by Magic and then shimmered, allowing him to sit. Errikos smirked and took his seat, it was rather comfortable to be honest, relaxing and enjoying the comical look on Dumbledore's face Errikos ignored him to let his eyes roam, sighing inwardly when he noticed Dumbledore coming towards them.

Dumbledore nodded sagely, "Welcome to Wizengamot then" mourning the loss of a votes that he had made sure to hold onto for the last few years he did not want to give them up but due to Magic accepting him he had lost them now he had to make sure the Bill could not pass.

"Thank you."

"Lord Peverell," Dumbledore addressed him, his eyes twinkling from behind the half-moon spectacles, curse the boy, how did he take the Lordship? his eyes automatically went to his Lordship rings, eyes gleaming when they fell upon the Peverell ring carrying the coat of arms - is that the Resurrection Stone? Innocently resting on his hand. Oh what he wouldn't do to snatch it right there and examine it properly, then claim it if it was truly the Stone. "I didn't know you were Lord Gryffindor, Hufflepuff, Slytherin and Ravenclaw as well my dear boy."

"Well, now you know." Errikos looked down at him from his nose imperiously ah yes, he knows where his concern lies his houses all held two votes a piece so that made 10 that was his alone, he smiled at this knowing Dumbles had just lost most of the votes

The Wizengamot fall silent as they all looked their way, now stopped pretending to not eavesdropping on them Errikos sighed.

"No, it was not well known, but it is now after you declared it so dramatically," Errikos was having a hard time trying not to roll his eyes, all his tactics to get him in trouble is childish and immature, "My family comes from the Peverell line, the last descendant from Antioch Peverell's line to be fatual on this as heir at the time I natually became Lord when my father died, as my son's are currently only five, they will become my heirs and I will give my oldest the Peverell heirship while my youngest will have two of the houses as his own and Magic has accepted it already." and of course, he himself is the direct descendant of Cadmus Peverell, so he has more claim than anyone else, being a descendant of the elder brother. "Any more questions?"

Errikos can see the suspicion and dread flash in Dumbledore's eyes and he was restraining himself from either attacking him or interrogating him, as they were currently in the presence of Wizengamot, knowing he can't cross-question him again especially not in front of Wizengamot. So he shook his head and backed down, as did the rest of Wizengamot, their curiosity satiated for now that is but he knows Dumbledore is probably going to make Potter's contest him for it knowing Fleamont he would at least check it all out for him and hopefully give him the blasted answers that he so needs and have the Goblins go to reject it, so it doesn't matter

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