chpt 4

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Blaze's pov:

I watched as the clock ticked. The teacher Mr.Anderson talked about whatever he was talking about. I was too tired to listen. I grumble a bit annoyed laying my head down on the desk before looking at Lucas. I felt warm looking at him..

We sat together in the same desk. Good thing we sit at the back.. I thought to myself.

My hand started to move on its own. As I reached my hand to his. Holding his hand in mine. He looked at me a bit confused, but I ignored him. He was probably worried someone might see us. I knew no one would. He let go of my hand since he needed to write notes down.

"Hey you alright?" Lucas whispers to me.

Yeah, how am I supposed to tell him I wanna be close to him every second. And crave to touch him?

"Mhm, just tired." I said which wasn't a lie. I haven't slept well in a while.

He nods before turning his attention beck to the teacher.



Lucas pov:

I kept writing on my notebook, on what Mr.Anderson was teaching us. I hated math.

I tried to listen but Blaze kept randomly touching me. And in class? That's even worse! I felt his hand on my thigh.
His hand starting to go lower to my crotch. I looked at him annoyed. My face all flustered.

"Hey stop that. we can do all of that later!" I whisper yelled at him. He looked at me before he stopped. He had a sly smile on his face.

"Okay later then~" He confirmed. My eyes widen at what I said.
"Damn it! that's not what I men-"
"Lucas is there something you'd like to tell the class?" Mr.Anderson asked looking at me as well as everyone else. I heard blaze laugh a bit a me. I kicked his leg. Before I looked back at the teacher with a forced smile.
Yeah, my boyfriend keeps wanting to touch me every chance he gets.

"No, sorry sir." I said before he slowly looked away from me, and continued to teach the class.

"I hate you." I whispered at Blaze with an annoyed look on my face. He looked at me amused.

"I love you too sweetheart." He wisperd back. I roll my eyes before going back to my work.




"Briinngg" the school bell finnaly rang. Everyone grabbed their bags rushing out the door. I got up really fast grabbing my stuff, "see ya at lunch." I said walking out the door leaving Blaze behind.

I walked down the halls talking to my friend, Andrew. (U better not hate on him)

"So what'd you do over the weekend?" Andrew asked, While he ate his chips. I blushed slightly remembering what happened last night.

"Uh, I just stayed home and slept." I mumbled. "What about you?" Andrew looked at me. And had a happy smile plastered on his face. "Spent time with Chris." I grin "you've been hanging around him for a lot now. " I teased. But Andrew looked away his face all red.

"That's because me and him are a couple." He mumbled embarrassed.
"Wait really?" I asked surprised.
He nods, before he laughed a bit nervously. "But don't tell anyone! He wants to keep it a secret for a while because, of his parents. And you are my best friend so..." He explained his face still all red. I punched his shoulder playfully. "I won't tell. Promise." I said he smiled back at me.

We walked to our next class since me and him had the same one. It was social studies. We sat at the back together while the teacher talked about whatever. Andrew drawing on his sketchbook like always. Probably drawing his boyfriend.

I kept zoning out thinking if I should tell Andrew about me and Blaze being a thing. I felt guilty for not telling him. I'll tell him another time. I'm still gonna tell him, just not yet.

After school I got a text from Blaze.


Blaze: Hey just wanted to remind you Im being forced to go with Abby. After school so ill be home a bit late-ish

Oh, okay.

Blaze: Im sorry, but I'll make sure to make the whole thing short so I can be with you;)

I smile at his text before replying

'Okay have fun!

Blaze: I won'ttt

"Who you texting?" Andrew asked curious while we walked out the school. I jumped surprised "oh! one!" I lied. he opend his mouth about to to say something before Chris appeared out of no where. "Hey Andrew- oh, hi Lucas!" Chris said looking at me. I smiled while greeting him "hi." Before looking at Andrew with an amused look, seeing how flustered he was.

"Earth to Andrew." I nudge his shoulder making him come back to reality.

"Hm? Oh hey Chris."He said. I roll my eyes. And he told me to act normal.

Chris and Andrew talked while we walked to our apartments. I waved goodbye to them, as they walked the other way. I went inside my apartment. Turning the lights on. And going in my room. Dropping my stuff. Before laying in bed staring at the ceiling bored.

It's so quiet when he's
Not here..

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