chpt 9

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We were in Lucas's room sitting beside each other on his bed.

"So what'd you wanna talk about?" Lucas asked, looking at me curious.

Oh, that I've killed another person, and now I wanna kill the guy I saw you talking too.

"Uh- well I was wondering who was that guy you were talking too at school earlier?" I asked looking away.

"Oh, that's Jacob!" He answered happily.
I fiddled with my hands trying too distract myself. Lucas noticed this, grabbing my hand.

"What's wrong? Youve been acting weird recently. You know you can trust me right?" He said smiling at me.

"Yeah, I know." I sigh. Looking at him.

Just tell him. He'll still love you.

"I...I've-" Lucas phone started to ring making me stop myself. He grabbed his phone answering it.

After a while he stopped talking to whoever it was, putting his attention back too me.

"Sorry, please continue." He said apologizing. "No, its fine! Who was it anyways?" I asked curious too know. Just because I chickened out.

"It was Jacob. Andrew must've given him my number or something." He explained. My smile slowly faded. I felt a knot in my stomach as well as the urge rising inside me again.

"What'd he want?" I asked feeling annoyed. "He wanted to hang out some time this week. But I turned him down told him I couldn't, since I'm going to be hanging out with you and Andrew this weekend." He shrugs.

"Lucas I want you too stay away from him." I sternly said I didn't want him near that guy at all. He looked at me confused. "What? Why?" He said clearly not getting the hint like always.

"I don't like him being around you." I simply said getting up from his bed and walking out of the room.


The next day Lucas couldn't stop thinking about what Blaze told him last night. He walked around the crowded hallway of the school.

That was until he was stopped by his friend Andrew. "Hey man how are you?" He said with his usual playful smile. I smiled at him.

"I'm doing alright. What about you?" I asked, While we walked together to our class. "So excited. Chris is taking me to the movies too watch that new movie coming out!" He said smiling like crazy. I chuckled amused.

"That's sounds like fun... Hey Andrew quick question. Why did you give Jacob my phone number?" He looked at me confused. "What do you mean? I didn't give him your number." He answered. I felt something weird now as I tensed up.

He didn't give Jacob my number.

"But I thought you did." I wisperd confused as well. He shrugs "sorry don't know what you're talking about. I'd never give someone your number without you being their to let them." He said with a stern look.

"But then who did? He called me last night when I was talking to Blaze." I said now a bit worried. Andrew noticed nudging my shoulder. "We can ask him at lunch don't overthink it at least not until you ask." He suggested.

"Yeah, okay thanks." I mutterd.


Social studies felt longer then usual watching the clock tick each second while the teacher coach Church talked about the American revolution or whatever.

The more time passed the more I felt anxious. And the same question kept circling around my head.
How did he get my number?

I jumped up at the sound of the school bell rang the coach Church looking at me but let it go, telling everyone we can leave.

"You sure your okay dude? You literally kept zoning out during class you never zone out in coach churches class." Andrew said walking with me too the cafeteria.

"I'm fine." I sigh grabbing my tray of food. As we walked too our table waiting for Jacob too arrive.

"Is he not here?" Andrew thought out loud. I shrugged in response eating my food.

"Hey guys!" Jacob said out of no where caching me off guard, making me flinch at the sudden feeling of him putting his hand on my shoulder. Making me feel uncomfortable but I tried to ignore it.

"Hey, how are you," Andrew asked while eating some of his chips.

"I'm great." Jacob sat down beside me. I looked anywhere else but him I caught Blaze looking at me from afar from his table. He had a frown on his face, before he looked away from me and back too his friends.

"Lucas?" Jacob said making we look at him. "Yeah?" I asked still feeling a bit distracted.

"I called your name like 5 times." He said looking at me

"Oh sorry. What were you asking me?" I asked.

"When you'd like too hang out?" Jacob sighs waiting for me to answer.

"Oh, uhh... I can't. I'm busy this week like I told you on the phone-"

"Speaking of phones. Jacob, Lucas was wondering how'd you get his number? since I and he never gave it to you." Andrew said interrupting me. But I was glad.

Jacob tensed up a bit He frowns for a second before he laughed nervously. "Oh I... a random person gave it too me." He said, Andrew raised a brow looking at him in disbelief. I could Tell he wasn't buying it and neither was I.

"Which was?" I asked getting impatient.

"It was this guy, his name's Blaze." He said with a smile.

I looked at my phone for a minute before back at him. Starting too feel a wave of sudden fear for no reason.

He's lying.

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