Chapter 13

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Dalia hated him. She hated everyone, and most of all, she hated Balqaas. It was this burning hatred that refrained her mind from rest. She lay tossing and turning under the cold silk sheets, huffing and puffing as she recalled the King's words.

She hadn't realised that one simple request had caused such a conundrum between her and the King. She wondered if this was nothing but the plan of the Queen, whose jealousy in the disguise of an act of kindness, meant to instil displeasure towards her.

Dalia went still. Of course that was her plan, she thought, reprimanding herself for falling so easily into the trap. She should have known better, bearing witness to the years of dramatics and pettiness of her father's concubines. Back then, she had sworn to never be like them. But now she understood all too well, tossing her naivety aside, and promising herself to never be so gullible. If it was a war the Queen wanted, she was going to get one. First, she would assemble as many allies as possible. It wasn't going to be an easy task, with everyone's apprehension against her people.

Once the sun had peaked its head over the horizon, Dalia was up and ready, a new sense of determination fueled by her hatred. She called for Meera, who came running through the gossamer curtains in an instant.

"Take this invitation to Sahiba Haifa," she commanded, then called for more maids to help her bathe and dress, and others to prepare the tea room.

Dalia did not wait long when the scarred prince's wife joined her right on time.

"Thank you for the invite," Haifa said, as she clutched her subtly protruding belly, taking a steady seat on the cushions in front of the Princess. Her handmaiden stood by her side, gripping her other hand until her lady was comfortably sat. Dalia noted how not once did she look up.

"I appreciate you accepting my invitation on short notice," Dalia said. "I hope I didn't interrupt your plans,"

"No, I was just going to have breakfast with my husband," Haifa replied.

Dalia nodded and then called for the food. They sat in silence as they enjoyed the flavoursome spread, ending with freshly cut fruit and warm beverages. As she sipped on her coffee, Haifa on her mint tea, Dalia snuck glances at her handmaiden. Her gaze remained focused on her feet, eyes averted as she interacted with her lady. Still, she had not glanced Dalia's way.

"So," she began. "I hear your handmaiden is from Rughad,"

The said person tensed up.

Haifa settled her cup down. "Yes, Salma had grown up in the outskirts of Rughad,"

"Ah," Dalia hummed. "Though, I am surprised you have selected one of my people to be your closest confidant,"

Haifa responded with a tight smile. From the corner of her eyes, she could see Salma trying to conceal her distress, so she signalled with her hand to calm down.

"Salma came to Balqaas at a young age, so she has been raised here,"

Dalia leaned forward and brought her hand up to whisper, "Do you not feel anxious to have her by your side? In case she could know....a spy from my father?"

"I know where her loyalty stands," Haifa stated, pressing her lips into a tight line. "Salma is but one of the many who have arrived in Balqaas from a young age, to settle here,"

Dalia smirked and whipped her long braid over her left shoulder. She took a long sip of her drink and glared at Salma, watching her tremble with fear. It brought her such great satisfaction she craved more.

Setting the cup down loudly, she gave the scarred prince's wife a cold expression.

"She is a Rughadian, our laws state that her loyalty is first to her birth country," she declared. "Unlike you, I do not feel comfortable to have one of your people as my handmaid. It just so happens that your handmaid is from Rughad, and is it not in my right to have her as my closest confidant?"

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