Chapter 15

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Drawing in a deep breath, Abbas popped open the wax seal and slowly unravelled the letter written by his deceased friend. He was sat in his study, the setting sun casting a golden glow behind him as it retreated behind the horizon. He had been afraid to read it again, afraid that the truth of it all would sink in. Their friendship was a lie.

You were my brother.

His eyes glistened and his chest constricted as he read over those words. It all made sense, why Abbas knew so little about Junayd, despite opening up fully to him. He was a fool to trust so easily, to not question anything.

Faris Ibn Al Khalifah

Upon reading his uncle's name, his tears evaporated. Abbas read Junayd's confession thoroughly, and again once more. His uncle had denied all the claims made in the letter, refusing to even speak a word to anyone, despite his previous outbreak and attempt on Haifa's life. Abbas had already confirmed with Harun that the letter was indeed written by his friend, but if Faris did not talk, then they could not do anything. Especially if their father was not willing to push his brother further.

There was no denying that Faris had suffered a great deal. He had lost both his wife and child. But his grief consumed him, blustering into anger, hatred and jealousy which only deepened when Abbas' father was chosen to succeed the throne.

The devil's whispers enticed him, his mother had told him and Harun when they were boys, confused and hurt that they were no longer going to be living with their uncles and cousins. But now he knew the truth; his uncle would do anything to take the throne even if it meant harming his own family.

Abbas pushed his chair back. He would confront his uncle himself. If Haifa were here, she would have stopped him, but she would not be returning until later on.

The guards saluted him upon arrival and led him to the cell that held his uncle. He scoffed at the site of his uncle casually lounging on a long majlis which Abbas was sure had not been there before.

"My dearest nephew, how kind of you to visit," greeted Faris.

"I am not here to play games," Abbas seethed. "I'm here for answers."

At this, Faris slunk down even further into his majlis.

"Was Husaam one of your spies?"

Faris sighed deeply and turned away.

"And his brother, did you plant him beside me just to kill me?"

His uncle remained tight-lipped, making Abbas boil with anger.

"Did you really poison Thaina, your neice, so she would not bear an heir? And Baba?"

Faris smirked.

Abbas, unable to control the inferno of anger soaring through his blood, jumped onto his uncle and grappled him to the ground.

"You belong to the lowest scum of Earth!" he spat, pinning Faris' arms which tried to swing at his face.

"You should be grateful Baba has decided to spare your life!"

"No," interrupted a voice. Having recognised full well who had entered, Abbas leaped off his uncle who was huffing away as he tried to catch his breath.

Abbas brushed the dust off his tunic and found his veiled mother and Harun by the cell door. His mother was frowning at Faris whilst Harun directed an unimpressed look at him.

"Your brother may have spared your life, but you will continue to live with shame upon your name, rotting in this cell until you take your last breath,"

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