V1 ‐ C1 - P3: Revenance Pt1.

8 2 4

(INT) means "In Thought" as in thinking.
(MRY) means "Memory" as in remembering something.



The morning was quiet, as Kade stood near a counter and prepares his coffee, measured precision evident as he grinds rich, aromatic beans; pouring steaming water into the cafetiere, he patiently allows the grounds to bloom, before slowly pressing down the plunger, revealing a velvety, full-bodied brew.

Amidst the enticing aroma of the freshly brewed coffee wafting through the air, Kade's senses are momentarily captivated.

Kade Northwood(INT):
"Mmm, It's a beautiful morning today."

Kade hears a noise outside of the lobby and somewhere near the entrance of the apartment building.

Kade Northwood:

However, his attention remains undisturbed as he nonchalantly observes a cadre of police officers hastily making their way into the building, taking the elevator, a sight that prompts him to nonchalantly shrug off any concern.

Kade Northwood(INT):
"I wonder who the poor bast##d is to get an entire force that size for him."

With his freshly brewed coffee in hand, Kade steps into the elevator, its sleek doors closing behind him as he ascends to the upper echelons of the building, where the hallways eventually guide him to the entrance of his penthouse, a subtle hum escapes his lips.

As the elevator glides to a stop on the 23rd floor(which is the top floor), he exits out of the elevator and makes his way through the apartment corridors, the hushed echoes of his footsteps mingling with occasional sips from his coffee brew.

Turning around the corner, Kade takes a casual sip from his coffee, only to spot a gathering of police officers and apartment staff outside his penthouse door in the distance; tension escalates as one of the staff members shout.

Staff Member #1:
"He's right there! Get him!"

Without hesitation, Kade swiftly hurls his coffee at the approaching police officers and bolts, as he races throughout the corridors he unapologetically pushes and tramples over a man and his wife.

Kade Northwood:

He sprinted towards the stairs, intent on a rapid descent, evading the encroaching authorities.

With his energy dwindling from the rapid descent down the stairs, Kade pushes himself forward, charging through an open door in a fervent attempt to reach the front entrance, only to be met by a squad of waiting officers who swiftly notice his presence.

Kade Northwood:

Kade redirects his course, bolting towards the back exit door of the apartment building, deftly leaping over a counter in a nimble maneuver to evade the law enforcement.

Bursting through the back exit, Kade rushes into the alley where he stashed his car; hastily tossing aside a black poly tarp, he swiftly climbs into the vehicle and starts the engine.

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