V1 - C1 - P5: Revenance Pt1.

12 1 2

(INT) means "In Thought" as in thinking.
(MRY) means "Memory" as in remembering something.


Flashback(39 Years ago).

Thirty-nine years ago, when Kade was only fifteen and Heiden was just thirteen, the two boys walked through the rough and dangerous neighborhood Kade despised growing up in.

Heiden appeared to be a slight young man, who stood at an average height. His hair was curly in a shade of black, and amber eyes. His face was decorated with minimal bandages, adding to the air of nervousness that he exuded.

Kade was a tall, mildly fit young man with short, moderately spiky blonde hair, dark brown eyes, and minimal bandages wrapped all over his face, and more bandages on his knuckles, and arms. And a pissed off look on his face.

Young Heiden Lathers:
"Uhm, are you alright, Kade?"

Young Kade Northwood:
"Honestly, the Bronx and everybody in it can go to hell for all I care."

Young Heiden Lathers:
"Uhm, thank you for saving me from those–"

Young Kade Northwood:
"A##holes? Yeah, whatever."
"Did I ever tell you how much I hate this place? So much bullsh## happens here it's not even funny."
"There's never been a day where people could just sit down, and just do stuff without messing up everyones lives."

Young Heiden Lathers:
"Well... if you want a day where it's exactly like that, how about we do that?"

Young Kade Northwood:
"Eh? What are you? Dumb? We're broke as hell, you think money just comes from outta' the ass like that?"

Young Heiden Lathers:
"W– what??? Of course not! You tool!"
"I'm just saying, instead of sitting around and doing nothing, how about we do something fun, that'll also be good for the neighborhood?"
"Like... selling lemonade?"

Young Kade Northwood:
"...Heidi, did that guy hit your head too hard? Cause what you say sounds like bull–"

Young Heiden Lathers:
"Just listen you idiot!"
"Doing this might help yourself, and my parents situation."
"And maybe this'll be fun for everyone. That's what you want, right?"

Kade scratched the back of his head before letting out a sigh.

Young Kade Northwood:
"We'll do your stupid little lemonade stand thing."

Timeskip(4 Hours).

Heiden and Kades lemonade stand on the streets thrived, and despite Young Kade Northwood's initial annoyance, he couldn't deny that the lemonade stand was surprisingly successful. The street buzzed with kids, parents, adults, and even police officers coming by to purchase the refreshing drink.

Young Kade Northwood:
"I cannot believe that this actually worked."

Young Heiden Lathers:
"See? All it takes is one person to do something everyone else wanted to do in a long time."
"Look at everyone around us! It's like a party out here!"

Kade wondered if today was a coincidental occasion when people ventured outside without fear, witnessing kids playing and running around, music filling the air, and the aroma of barbecues permeating the streets, transforming them into a lively marketplace.

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