Ex. It's Christmas, I'm in Love

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Unlike Elsa, the cold bothered me a whole damn lot.

I wasn't a winter girlie, that was for sure. Give me sunshine and sweltering heat any day of the week over freezing my butt off. Not to mention all these layers made me feel like a bear about to enter hibernation.

Pulling my hat, scarf and jacket off, I stuffed them into the locker eagerly. This was the last day of school before winter break and I was more than ready to binge some cringe Christmas movies. While cuddling my boyfriend, of course.

Thinking of him brought an instant smile to my face. And then my chest squeezed when I remembered what my Dad told me, after insisting he drive me to school today.

There would be no cuddling or kissing under cosy blankets for me this Christmas.

I leaned my forehead on my locker with a sigh, disappointment coursing through me with a vengeance. Why was I even surprised? There was no such thing as a good winter.

A crash above me vibrated the door of my locker and I turned around quickly. My heart gave that familiar squeeze as soon as I saw who it was.

Noah was leaning against the locker, arms crossed above my head.

"Hi," I said, grinning up at him.

"Hi," Noah replied, a wicked smile pulling his lips up.

My eyes narrowed slightly. That was his I did something mischievous smile.

"What?" I asked, carefully.

He didn't say anything, but his grin got wider. And then he motioned upward with his head. I leaned back and looked up to where he was gesturing. My heart instantly went into overdrive.

Clutched in his hands, right above my head, was a familiar green plant with white berries.

"A mistletoe?" I asked, even thought it couldn't really be anything but.

"Mhm," he said, clearly proud of himself for this little surprise. "Know what it means?"

Of course I knew what it meant. Every person on Earth probably knew what it meant, especially the enthusiastic romance book readers such as myself.

"How about you remind me?" I teased, and tilted my head playfully.

Noah's eyes seemed as bright as his smile when he leaned down, eyes focusing on my lips... and then pressed a soft kiss to my cheek.

He pulled back and I pouted, unsuccessfully trying to hide my disappointment.

"That's it?"

I would have attempted the puppy eyes, but for some reason I always looked more like a tarsier doing that than an adorable pup.

Noah chuckled and leaned back in, pressing his cheek against mine.

"Not even close," he whispered into my ear.

His hands slid from their place against the locker. The one holding the mistletoe trailed down, and once he reached the small of my back he pressed me closer into him. His other hand gently brushed down my hair, and he grabbed a strand, pulling it closer to him and taking a deep breath.

"Did I tell you how much I love your shampoo?" he mumbled, his voice slightly hoarse and I felt my legs go weak.

"Yes," I croaked, growing more and more impatient that he was speaking instead of using his mouth for other more important things.

He brushed the strand of hair behind my ear, trailed one finger down my neck, and then brushed his fingers up, his thumb caressing my cheek as his other fingers raised my chin. The touch was both gentle and possessive.

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