Chapter Twenty-Two

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Damien's POV:

"Oh…… yeah! Fuck,"

I groaned and almost cum inside her but I immediately withdrew and pushed her away. She screamed and fell to the ground in tears.

Ignoring her endless sobs, I pick up my phone that has been ringing endless on the side table. **The Shadow Cartel** our mafia group name flashing as the caller ID, gaining my attention. The Shadow Cartel was the largest and first mafia group to have ever existed in the whole world before *The Nightfall Legion* which was Alexander's own came into existence.

  Back in the day, our mafia group was known as "La Famiglia Oscura," it exuded an air of mystery and power. The name, inspired by the Italian language, translated to "The Dark Family," perfectly captures the essence of our clandestine operations before my relationship with Zuri went messy. The betrayal cut deep, and I couldn't bear the thought of any reminder of Zuri's dishonesty tarnishing my legacy. So, I made a bold decision - I changed the name to "The Shadow Cartel." Because, of course, Zuri was the person who gave my group that first name, and with this new moniker, I aimed to erase any trace that would remind me of her betrayal and dishonesty. And the only thing remaining to end is that bastard, Alexander.

I could sense the anger and frustration coursing through my veins as I stood up abruptly, snatching the phone and pressing it against my ear. My voice dripped with disdain as I curtly asked, "Yes... any problem?" The intensity of my emotions was obvious, clearly displaying my disinterest in the conversation.

However, with a hint of amusement in his voice, Eros chuckled from the other end and playfully called me a "grumble head." "Hey, grumble head... calm down," he said, trying to lighten the mood.

I swiftly slid into my trousers and bottomed the zipper, a surge of curiosity compelled me to inquire, "What's the whole matter about?" I asked, but the slutty wife of mine, who I still didn't even know her name, groaned in pain on the ground as my leg mistakenly kicked her while I was trying to wear my clothes.

"Wait…… who is whimpering there, buddy," Pasito said immediately, yawning after he was connected to the call. I groaned mentally, was this the first thing he could say….. Sometimes I feel like strangling their heads.

"Go on, why the call? Be fast, I have got some business to deal with right now," I said, my voice filled with a menacing and emotionless tone.

"And believe me the business doesn't seem like a good one," Pasito blurted, "The whimpering did sound like someone in a lot of pain," he acknowledged, his concern growing.

At his words, I growled and snapped out. "You gonna go on with the reason for the calls or continue questioning me?" I roared, my voice thundering through the room, causing the woman on the ground to tremble involuntarily in fear. I stared at her curled up on the ground, exhausted and writhing in pain.

Letting out a sigh, I noticed the sudden silence from the other end of the phone.
"I'm hanging up," I announced, causing Eros to suddenly exclaim, "Yo, bro... Calm down."

"The party was actually shifted to tomorrow evening at 8 o'clock," he enthusiastically announced, his voice brimming with excitement. "And guess what? Alexander won't be coming alone!" This single piece of news has truly made my day! I can't wait for all the fun and surprises that await us tomorrow night!

"The coward couldn't do without guards for his safety…….. He knows that he will be dead if he stays any second without them," I bragged, a smirk appearing on my lips. "Though those rascals won't save him if I decide to enter him but right I want to make his stay on this earth a living hell before squeezing the life off him," I could sense the intensity in my voice as anger, disgust, and danger consumed my words.

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