Chapter 6

113 33 2

Gina's POV

Wandering around, looking here and there, sniffing consistently for whoever's scent since my nose was current attracting who's ever it got. I bumped head first into something hard and was met with a pair of jade eyes that skeptically staring with affection at me. In contrast to the second look that blew me slightly off guard. 

'uhmm, mia did you see that'

'yeah, that was weird, and strange too'

It all happened in a flash, I was still confused by what I saw, still leaning on his chest, and squinting my eyes drawing closer to him. Immediately, his scent overfilled my lungs and my eyes dilated.
A memory flashed by.
Before I'd passed out before, a pair of jade eyes staring apologetically at me.
Jade eyes just like these ones before me.

He cocked his left eyebrow at me to show his confusion and I imitated his look.

Then his gaze lowered to his chest and I followed with my gaze, meeting up with his eyes still confused.

Before realization hit me and I pulled far away and cleared my throat. Slightly flushed and flustered. Scratching my nape, I gave a nervous smile, and all he had was a blank face. His eyes hardened, staring furiously and intently at me. 

The awkward atmosphere attended to the already awkward situation so I just hung my head low and muttered an apology.

What was wrong with me?!!
I shouldn't get flustered with any emotions right now, I have to survive, away from this place.
These feelings, these stupid feelings..........they would only be my distractions.

My feelings of shame and embarrassment was immediately replaced with anger, .......anger at myself for letting my guard down, for showing a sort of  weakness.

I was unconsciously clenching my fist and gritting my teeth when I heard him open his........mouth.

"Aren't you gonna apologize?"
He crossed his arms.

I was visibly shaking, anger seethed through my bones, speaking through my teeth.

"Well, I didn't hear it, and I would very much like an apology, after this disruption you just caused." He glared

All the while he was blabbing, I was fused with rage. I couldn't control this fury, it was beginning to envelope me and I was about to burst with rage. I took deep breaths.

Okay Gina, deep breaths.....

I breathed deep and sighed unwillingly.

"Okay...... I'm sorry, we good now?"
I asked

"No....."  His commented. His voice sibilant.
"And to think I expected more from you...."
His expression filtered slightly and his pupils shook.

But I was still burning....
"I feel really sorry for you. Sadly enough I don't meet expectations......never did."
I rolled my eyes and left him going back to my tent.

I guess there was no one else to trust other than me.


Sorry short chapter guys,
ran out of ideas.

Promise update this week
Likely two chapters

Muah muah!! Love you guys

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