chapter 22

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The attacking wolves pushed fort harder than ever, finally getting the defensive backed in the corner of their pack house.

The wolves were already weak, and then they turned and ran in the direction of the house, to inform their Alpha and get his aid, despite the very fact that they would be punished for their retreat.

But, to their shock, their Alpha was back into a wall, and before him a humongous red wolf stood, proud and strong.
Even more appalling, their Alpha was bowing.

They couldn't hold it in anymore, despite their tire, they had to find out how their ever so strong and proud Alpha could freely bow—

The red wolf began to emanate some powerful aura that left them stricken, and before long, their wolves had already thrown in their respect.
They themselves were bowing!!

Their attackers quickly filled in the room, surrounding the red wolf.
One of them handed a piece of clothes to the wolf and it took it in it's mouth.

It didn't make a single move to move away, instead it shook it's fur and a bright light immediately emerged from it's very body, blinding them temporarily.

When the light dimmed, there stood a little teenager, probably not much more than sixteen.
She stared crossarmed at him, with a grim expression.
Then she turned to the Alpha, who in turn, shifted back to his human form, and wore his clothes.

He looked angry and so were his men.
Was this the red wolf they had just bowed to?....

Their Alpha began to growl loudly and they joined in, in unison.

Out of rage and unexpected sudden fury, one of his men lunged at the girl.
Her attacking wolves tensed on reflex, but she indicated a halt with her hands to her sides.

Gina's POV

I just stared at the incoming wolf, who was charging towards me in a blaze of fury.
He growled very lightly surprisingly though.

I sighed in my heart, should I just slap him away, or should I pretend weakness.
But if I display too much strength, it could be as bragging or somewhat, and if I don't, I could be portrayed as weak.

But do I really care?......

He growled and his voice was more closer now.
As he jumped high, in an attempt to screw it, I'd made up mind.

I dropped my hands to my sides, ready to kick him away.

Ahh I wish I could just stop him from making that damned yell.....

'you can....'

'wait what?!! '

I looked up to the flying wolf, to realize he had just stopped in the air.
With his mouth ajar, just like the ex-leader Caleb before.

'mia....did I just do that?...'

'...yes you did..'


'Hasn't this occured before?...'

'yes but......wait how do you know that?, I couldn't feel you at all that day, no response, nothing...'

'well....i'll tell you later. Deal with this first!...'

'Oh right....'

I looked at the wolf that was hanging in the air, his eyes darting everywhere but my face in fear.
Do I look that scary?!....

I stretched out my hand, and pushed him lightly, so I could  move towards the Alpha.
But, he suddenly flew deep into a wall, shattering a part of the wall with a deep hole through it.

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