Chapter Twenty-Seven

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Her answer shocked Hunter. He had never imagined she would actually love him. There was nothing he could offer her, not even his heart, and yet she had given him hers without giving it a second thought. He was touched beyond words as he gaped at her, too dumbfounded to speak.

"You l-love m-me?" he stammered out when at last her words sank into his heart and soul.

"Yes. I know you don't love me back, Hunter. It's okay. I don't expect you to," she said, getting up to get ready for bed, but stopped in her tracks hearing him speak.

"It's not that I don't want to have a normal relationship like all couples do. It's just that I don't believe in love. I am too broken to love someone. My heart doesn't trust anyone enough to fall in love. It's really a lost case if you think I'll fall in love with you ever. I won't Rihanna, I can never fall in love the way you want me to. So either we have a marriage based on what I feel for you, or we never marry one another. The choice is yours. You have two more weeks to decide."

Rihanna nodded and went to the washroom. She was very disappointed with what Hunter said. He had never promised her anything, so it was actually her fault that she had to complicate matters by falling in love with him.

When she emerged from the washroom, Hunter was already asleep. Or maybe he was pretending to be. Whatever the case, she knew he had already given her the ultimatum and there was nothing more to be discussed. So she just turned her back towards him and dozed off without knowing that Hunter was watching her longingly for nearly the entire night while she slept peacefully.

The next morning, she went home after giving Robbie his breakfast. He was fine and Gemma learned how to make the special food that she had been making for Robbie.

Although at home everyone was excited to know whether Rex could win over Ember, Rihanna was restless. She couldn't help but keep on thinking about Hunter's words. She had expected him to fall in love with her just like they do in the movies and in the romance stories. But he cleared the air and explained to her how that would never happen. Her heart shattered into a million pieces. Maybe it was better to be heart broken now than later when she married him and then lost him.

For the next ten days, Rihanna didn't see Hunter. Robbie arrived at school with Gemma and left for home with her, too. It was clear he wasn't as happy as he was before. She could see him going back to his shell, just like at the start of the session. He didn't interact with her very much and only talked when he was addressed or when he was in some problem.

Rex returned with Ember, and they announced their wedding in a month. Rihanna was still undecided and waited for Hunter to come and get her any day. He did, however, when Ember came home to announce their wedding. Hunter came riding upon his Black Fury as usual and whisked her away with the excuse that Robbie had stopped eating altogether.

"What happened to Robbie?" asked Rihanna as they rode together. Hunter just shrugged.

"You can find out for yourself. I have other work to attend to." It was a strange and vague answer that made her frown. He looked cold and aloof, as if they had sent him here against his will. The magic that she usually felt between them when they always rode together was missing. Although she sat close to him, he ensured their bodies didn't touch.

For the rest of the journey, he didn't talk to her. Rihanna's eyes teared up. The Hunter she fell in love with wasn't this distant person sitting with her. This was a different side to him she had never seen before. He pulled the reins and Black Fury came to a halt right in front of his home. He didn't help her get down and Rihanna dismounted in her own wobbly manner. She couldn't help it. She was clumsy with horses.

Hunter went away, and that was the last she saw him, as long as she was at his house. Robbie had fallen down and hurt himself. He was scared and didn't want Gemma to help him at all. So Rihanna pulled him close to her heart and soothed him, calmed him down before giving him first aid. It wasn't anything serious, yet she gave him some acetaminophen prescribed for him to relieve him of any pain and trauma. It soothed him and he went to sleep.

Rihanna wanted to talk to Hunter, she wanted him near her, but he didn't come to the house even once during her stay. The whole day passed by and Robbie was well. Hunter sent one of his men to drive her home. Upset and restless, Rihanna returned home. She half-heartedly helped in the wedding preparations.

A month flew by and Rihanna hadn't seen Hunter at all. She missed him a lot and spent her nights crying on her pillow, rethinking her decision. Had she done the correct thing? She met Robbie at school, but he looked more distressed than he was before. Rihanna tried to find out the cause many times, but he refused to open up. Something was seriously wrong, and she had no idea what, actually.

With only a few days left for Rex and Ember's wedding, the whole family threw and homely bridal shower party for Ember at their house. Ember was pregnant, so they had all the food especially prepared at home and Ember sat with Adelaide and Andrea, receiving gifts. Suddenly, the door opened and Robson came running inside, followed by his distressed uncle.

Robson looked for Rihanna and after finding her, ran to her and wrapped her arms around Rihanna's neck. His body was burning with fever and Rihanna was concerned. She picked him up in her arms and turned to Hunter.

"He's burning with fever, Hunter," she pointed out with a worried face. Hunter looked tired, exhausted and aloof and avoided looking at Rihanna. He stood awkwardly near the doorway as if he didn't want to be here.

"He won't stay at home. I don't know what to do," he said, distraught with frustration. Rihanna carried Robson's tired body to her room, followed by Hunter. She laid him down on her bed.

"Did you give him any medicine?" she asked with concern.

"He won't take anything. Why don't you come home? I'm already tired," Hunter said, tiredly, standing at the door of her room.

So Rihanna packed up for a few days and left with Hunter while Ember and the others continued to enjoy the party. Hunter hoisted Robbie into his truck and Rihanna followed, holding Robbie against her chest. Hunter didn't say a word to her and drove home.

The silence was haunting, but one look at his face told Rihanna that what they had between them was over. Hunter had distanced himself from her and Robbie wasn't well for some other reason. He didn't have a stomach bug or catch a cold. Was this fever because of emotional distress?

They reached home and Hunter carried Robbie to his room. He showed her the prescription that the doctor had given and explained all the medications to her. Then he left before Rihanna could talk to him.

Afterwards, Rihanna awakened Robbie and gave him his medication. Gemma brought him some soup, and she fed that to him, too. When he fell asleep, she got up to talk to Gemma, but her eyes were drawn towards the luggage that stood on the floor of Robbie's room. She went to inspect. Were they going somewhere for a holiday? She saw that nearly all of Robbie's stuff had been packed up. This wasn't some holiday packing at all. It seemed they were going away somewhere. Her heart constricted at the thought of not being able to see them again. She rushed out of Robbie's room to look for Gemma. She had to find out what was going on.

She found Gemma in the kitchen, rinsing the dishes. She looked up, seeing her walk in.

"Did he go to sleep finally?" asked a distraught Gemma.

"Yes, but what exactly made him so unwell? This doesn't look like a normal fever to me. What's going on Gemma?"

Gemma looked uncomfortable and didn't answer her question, as if contemplating in her mind whether to tell her. "Please tell me, Gemma. I saw that Robbie's stuff has been packed up. Are they going somewhere?" The pleading look on her face softened Gemma a little.

"Hunter is taking Robbie back to Arkansas to Robbie's grandparents' house. He'll live there from now on," said Gemma.

"Grandparents? But they're no more?" asked Rihanna as she clutched at her heart with shock.

"Robbie's mom's parents," informed Gemma. "Hunter's depressed and can't look after him any longer."

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