Chapter Thirty

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Hunter joined her on the bed and hovered over her. "Don't ask me to control myself tonight, Rihanna. I can't. I need to be inside you, I need to feel you," he whispered against her ear, his lips grazing the soft skin trailing along her jawline towards her lips. Rihanna's heart skipped a beat, knowing that she was already melting at his words. She was ready to surrender to him, having missed him so much.

"Hunter, kiss me," she mumbled when he raised his head and just stared at her as if not believing that she was actually beneath him, eager and willing, the way he had dreamed months ago when he had first met her.

"Do you realize that there's no going back after this? You'll be mine forever, Rihanna. I'll want to make love to you whenever I feel like. Hope you know that I'm insatiable! I've been celibate for the last three and a half years, actually almost four years, and now that you're mine, I won't stop," he whispered hoarsely. Rihanna nodded.

"You don't have to stop. Make me yours, Hunter. I want you to make love to me," she whispered, pulling his head towards her to smash her lips to his. She plunged her delicious tongue into his hot mouth, feeling the familiar warmth of his mouth. Her hands played with his hair while the other got rid of the towel that covered him. She pulled him close to her while he just surrendered to her, grinding his hardness into her with a groan. Her hands caressed his naked glory, his body lovingly, and Hunter was lost.

He took over, dominating the kiss and turning it into a wild and forceful one full of the pent up passion that had been driving him crazy for months. His hands undid the zip of her dress and pulled it down her body. He unclasped her bra and discarded it. His mouth glided to her neck while his hands played with her breasts, stroking and teasing them into taut pebbles waiting to be devoured.

A moan escaped her as he trailed his tongue along her chest to claim her breasts one by one, sucking and teasing them more. His fingers caressed her inner thighs and went upwards to her panties. In one yank, he pulled them down, leaving her totally exposed.

"Mine," he whispered hoarsely. "Only mine," he repeated, looking up to stare deeply into her eyes. Rihanna nodded. She was his. His mouth followed his hand, and he sucked her dripping wet folds, giving her an intense pleasure which made her grip on the sheets. After his tongue had worked its magic on her, he inserted two of his fingers into her, thrusting in and out till her eyes rolled to the back of her head with an earth-shattering pleasure and she finally came undone.

"Are you ready for me?" he asked, coming up and peppering her with soft kisses. Rihanna nodded.

"Yes," she whispered, her voice thick with desire.

Hunter wasted no time. He positioned himself above her and thrust into her to the fullest. Rihanna closed her eyes at the acute pain that shot through her. He stilled, looking torn with worry.

"We can do this later if you're in pain," he said with a frown.

"No, just give me a moment," she reassured him. Afterwards, when she was better, they made love again and again, climaxing together, resting against one another. It was as if a new bond had developed between them, something that was deeper that just desire.

After the way he made love to her, Rihanna couldn't believe that he just desired her. His tenderness towards her, the way he treasured her, spoke of feelings that were deeper than just desire. He surely was in love with her too, just like she was with him. Only he wasn't aware of it.

Hunter pulled her close, his arm possessively wrapped around her, pinning her to his bare body, skin to skin, heart to heart. "Are you in pain, darlin?" he asked her, gently stroking the soft skin on her stomach.

"No, I'm fine," she told him shyly. Then the thought struck her he hadn't used protection at all. "Hunter, what if I conceive tonight?" she asked him with apprehension.

"I want you to," he whispered, his hand taking liberties, roaming all over her, touching what was only his.

Rihanna smiled and pulled him closer. She could already feel his massive hardness against her. "Again?" she asked with a chuckle.

"I told you I'm insatiable around you. If you give a hungry lion a morsel of food after three years, what will the lion do?" he asked her, pulling her on top of himself and slipping into her again. What followed was an earth-shattering love making and an equally exhilarating climax. Afterwards, they dozed off from sheer exhaustion. Hunter stared at her blissfully radiant face and embedded his face into her neck.

"I think I might fall in love with you Rihanna. You're making me believe in love," he whispered, kissing her forehead tenderly before dozing off to a blissfully happy slumber. At last he found his peace, his solace, his Rihanna.

The next morning, Rihanna woke up to a sleeping Hunter next to her. Robbie hadn't woken up yet and Rihanna needed a shower and her clothes before that, but Hunter's arm was tightly wrapped around her chest and she couldn't budge.

"Hunter, let me go," she whispered, but he was sleeping like a log. He didn't even stir. She tried to lift his heavy hand but failed. Robbie would wake up any minute and bang on their door. She needed her clothes before that.

"Hunter, move. I need to go to the washroom," she whispered again. Hunter was still asleep. Rihanna was now frustrated. She touched his chest and tickled him everywhere, but he didn't wake up at all. She couldn't shout in his ears since that could wake Robbie up.

"Hunter, please move," she tried again, pulling his hair. But yet he slept like a log. She tried to tickle his nose. He sneezed and still kept on sleeping, and now snoring. Rihanna facepalmed with helplessness. It was then a bright idea came to her mind. She noticed his hardness and touched him there, stroking him, teasing him. His eyes flew open, and he flipped her over and pinned her with his legs.

"Hunter, stop. I need to use the washroom. You weren't letting me go," she told him. He groaned and rolled over.

"Go, but come back in a minute. I have some unfinished business with you," he told her with a glint in his eye. Rihanna fled to the washroom. After five minutes, she wrapped a towel around herself and opened the door. She quietly fled to Hunter's closet to get her clothes. She would take a shower and change inside. There was no trusting Hunter. He was insatiable and with Robbie waking up any minute, she had to be ready to take care of Robbie. With Rex's upcoming wedding, she had to plan everything out so that it inconvenienced no one.

"Got you," whispered Hunter as he wrapped his arms around her waist, pulling her to his bare body.

"Why don't you wear something, Hunter?" she asked, picking out her clothes.

"I don't plan to. I want to feel you against me," he whispered, biting her earlobe.

"Hunter, Robbie will wake up any minute. Please, not now," she pleaded. Hunter picked her up in his arms, not listening to a word she spoke. He strode towards the washroom.

"Hunter, what are you up to?" she asked when he went into the washroom with her.

"We'll take a bath together," he said, filling up the enormous bathtub. He pulled the towel off her and pulled her against himself, his mouth seeking hers. She could already feel his need for her. After the hottest kiss, he led her towards the bathtub. Going in first, he pulled her on top of his body, gently slipping into her. They made love in the bathtub first before bathing one another.

"This is the life you'll have with me, Rihanna. Do you still want to stay with me?" he asked in a vulnerable tone.

Rihanna lovingly kissed his nose, his cheek, his forehead, his eyes and at last his lips. "This is all I want, Hunter. You're all I'll ever need," she said, her eyes promising him a lifetime of love and hope. After they had dried themselves, Hunter picked her up and carried her to their bedroom. Hunter took out something from the nightstand and knelt down on one knee in front of her. Rihanna gasped as realization struck her about what he was about to do.

"I'm not very good with words like you are Rihanna, but I just wanted to say that I wouldn't want to spend my life with anyone else but you. Your love has made me start believing in love and I'm just waiting to fall in love with you. The moment I first saw you, I had felt a magic pull towards you and look how right I was? The magic still exists between us and I believe that it always will. So will you please marry me Rihanna and help me create a happy family for Robbie and us?" he asked. Rihanna nodded, her eyes shining with tears of happiness.

"Yes, Hunter," she answered, feeling like the happiest woman on earth.

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