The Volunteer

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"I volunteer!" The words rushed out of my mouth faster than I could process them. "I volunteer as tribute." The whole district fell silent to watch me walk up to the small stage of my poor district 12. Tears stung behind my eyes as I looked at the only person I would ever volunteer myself for. Technically I had volunteered myself for her sister but I knew if it hadn't been me it would have been her.
Katniss and I had been friends ever since I could remember. I had been there when Primrose was just a babe and they were the closest thing I had to family. I had always been easy to pick out of a crowd. I had been born from a group of nomadic people who were known for their bright colors, and loud songs. At least that was until our reputation was tainted and because of one of us life in 12 became impossible for a long time. We continued to sing in secret and dance away from peacekeeper eyes. Although I didn't embrace it as much as my family, I had been raised with hushed songs and dancing. You can only ever deny so much of yourself.
"A volunteer! Oh how exquisite, and in 12 of all districts." It had always seemed funny to me how extravagant and odd everyone from the capitol looked. Effie Trinket was no exception. If I was as easy to spot as a rose on an empty field, Effie was a huge and beautiful oak tree. "What is your name sweetheart?" Her voice was almost comforting.

"Mila Jade"

It felt criminal giving my name out to these people for them to turn over and over in their mouths until it was just noises and sounds. Which is exactly why I kept the last part to myself. They didn't deserve to know who I was. Who I really was. My name would forever be mine and only mine.

Mila Jade Baird.

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