The Showcase

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Tick... tick... tick...
The room was quiet aside from the ticking of the clock and the occasional whisper. I hadn't talked to Peeta since after the interviews. How was I supposed to? What could I possibly say to the boy who broke my heart while simultaneously possibly saving my life?
Names were being called every five minutes but in my eyes the room became emptier and emptier by the second. Haymitch and I had sat down and talked through what my skill showcase would be. I didn't have any big or recognizable skills so we decided I would do a combination of smaller skills I had acquired while living in twelve.
Eventually it was just Peeta and I in the room waiting to be called. We were sitting next to each other but not really next to each other, if that makes any sense at all.
"Hey..." Peeta began, "umm... I don't know if I'm overthinking it or something, but are we okay?" I was surprised by the question. I looked up to see him but his eyes were glued to his feet.
"Okay?" I asked.
"Yeah. I mean, I just feel like ever since yesterday you've been kind of distant..." His voice trailed off. I felt my stomach churn. What was I supposed to say? Yeah we're fine, I've just had a huge crush on you for years but no biggie! Why did he have to have such a huge effect on me?
Peeta Mellark
Before I could even get a full word out, the big speaker rang with Peeta's name. He stood up and walked to the doors without looking back.
Was my anger justified? I mean after all, how was Peeta supposed to know the turmoil he would cause by simply proposing the idea of liking me. Maybe it was for the better. After all, only one could come out alive.

After sitting in silence for what felt like forever the big speaker came to life for the last time.
Mila Jade
     I got up and walked to the doors. I took a deep breath and opened them. It's now or never.
     The doors opened to what looked like a smaller version of the training rooms. On the left there was a huge window to a room full with men whom I assumed to be game makers or something of the sort.
     I wasn't sure how to begin so I treated it like the one thing I was good at, auditions. I had to audition to sing in the hub after all. I walked to the floor directly in front of the window.
     "Hello, my name is Mila Jade." I said, projecting my voice loudly and confidently like my momma taught me. The men in the room turned to look at me but said nothing. I assumed they wanted me to start.
     I walked over to the sorting screen. This was easy, I had done it multiple times and I wasn't worried. As soon as the screen turned on, my fingers went flying. Many plants flashed through and I couldn't have been more thankful that I grew up where I did. I finished the sorting in record time.
     Next I walked over to the knife station. I wasn't as confident about this one but I wasn't terrible. As I picked up the knives and got in throwing position, I thought of Remy. I wondered how he had done in his showcase.
I pulled my hand back and threw the knife towards the target. It landed on the outside circle. I heard a couple of scoffs come from the big window but refused to look. I took a deep breath and threw the second knife. This time it landed just outside the middle circle. Now I was determined. I shuffled my feet and threw one last time closing my eyes as the knife moved through the air. I heard the swift stab of the knife on the target. I opened my eyes and the knife was dead center. It took everything in me not to squeal out loud.
Keeping my composure, I walked to in front of the window and bowed.
"Thank you, I'm Mila Jade." I turned and walked out.

Hi guys!!! I'm back ☺️☺️
SORRY THAT I DISAPPEARED. I was super busy with school but the story is back on baby. Thank you for all your support and patience, I could not be luckier. I hope you continue to enjoy this story along with me and if you know of anyone else who might enjoy them, invite them along.

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