chapter 9 | jump then fall

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I like the way your hair falls in your face

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I like the way your hair falls in your face.
You got the keys to me.

I love each freckle on your face,
I've never been so wrapped up,

I like the way you're everything I ever wanted.

Azalea was immersed writing into her song book, early sunlight casting a warm glow on her surroundings. She randomly looked at the time on her clock on the wall before realising, she was late.

She quickly got changed into one of her summer dresses before running down the stairs with her bag.

She headed for the kitchen, looking to grab whatever she could find for lunch to take away for the day.

As she opened the fridge, she found an already wrapped sandwich with a sticky note labelling it "Azalea".

She smiled, knowing her dad had most likely left her this for dinner yesterday, which she had omitted due to their previous disagreement.

As she placed it on her bag, she looked over the time, seeing she had to leave in the next 5 minutes in order to make it to work on time. She quickly looked around the kitchen for something she could snack for breakfast, before heading to work by the Andersen port.

She decided an apple was the best option for the day, taking a bite out of it as she turned around the head out for the kitchen. As she turned her gaze, she was met with her dad, entering the room.

They both looked at one another in surprise, not expecting to see the other until the end of the day, seeing as their schedules where completely unaligned.

"Morning, Azalea." Tomás spoke first, unsure of how to start their pending conversation.

"Hey Pa, didn't think you'd be at home until late today." Azalea responded back thruthfully as she looked back at her dad. This was off to an awkward start.

"Was about to head to the academy. You heading to the Andersens?." Tomás asked, trying to keep this uncomfortable conversation going.

"Yea, I was about to run to make it on time to open up at 8."

The atmosphere inside the kitchen held a hint of tension from their previous argument, as neither really knew what to say just yet. After a brief pause, they both spoke simultaneously.

"Listen I just wanted to-"
"About yesterday-"

They lightly laughed at their attempt to break the ice. Azalea opened her mouth to speak again, but before she could re-start her sentence, Tomás beat her to it.

"You were right. I haven't been there for you like you need me to. I'm your dad first, before anything else. I'm sorry."

Azalea smiled, gazing into her dad's sincere eyes, and immediately hugged him. Tomás eased into the hug, releasing the breath he had been holding the whole time.

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