chapter 9 | risk

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A wave of laughter erupted as Azalea playfully splashed Sparks, sending a spray of water cascading down his face

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A wave of laughter erupted as Azalea playfully splashed Sparks, sending a spray of water cascading down his face.

Suddenly, a loud whoosh sliced through the air as Sparks launched himself off the diving platform, executing a dazzling flip before disappearing into the water with a joyous yell.

"Easy there, hotshot," Dusk chuckled as Sparks resurfaced, sputtering and grinning. "Careful with those dives. Don't want to hurt yourself with the evaluations tomorrow, do we?"

Fray, her playful gaze shifting across the pool, nudged Azalea with her elbow. "Maybe Azalea can give Sparks some pointers," she said, a hint of amusement in her voice. "After all, she's practically like a District 4 mermaid, aren't you four?"


The playful nickname, sent a jolt through Azalea. Her laughter died in her throat, replaced by a sudden chill of dread.

Oh no.




She was fucked.

Reality slammed back into her with the force of a rogue wave. The carefree afternoon, the camaraderie with the Careers – it all evaporated, leaving behind a stark reminder of her situation. She had a meeting with Finnick, their last chance to strategize and hone her skills before the evaluations that could determine her fate in the Games.

Shame burned hot in her cheeks. Here she was, frittering away precious time while Finnick likely waited impatiently, frustrated by her absence. His trust, her promise to work together – all of it felt tarnished by her momentary lapse in judgement.

Before anyone could respond, Azalea made a hasty retreat. "Actually," she stammered, forcing a smile, "I should get going, will get in trouble with my Mentors if not."

The Careers didn't seem to mind. A chorus of casual goodbyes filled the air as Azalea made a hasty retreat. Dusk, however, lingered by the pool's edge. As she pulled on her shirt and skirt, his voice caught her attention.

"Hey, Azalea," he called out, a hint of something more than camaraderie in his tone. "I... I really enjoyed you hanging out with us today."

Azalea felt a blush creep up her neck, a stark contrast to the cool air conditioning the room. "Me too," she admitted shyly, surprised by the unexpected flutter in her stomach. "It was... fun."

Dusk hesitated, as if wanting to say more. But the moment stretched, the playful atmosphere replaced by an unspoken awkwardness. Finally, with a shrug and a smile that didn't quite reach his eyes, he said, "Well, good luck with the evaluations tomorrow."

"Thanks," Azalea stammered back, her mind already racing. Finnick was going to kill her if she found out she was here. With a final, lingering glance at Dusk, she turned and hurried out of the pool area, leaving behind the echoes of laughter and the weight of a difficult choice.

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