estrellas~chapter 8

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Every Summer we go all out for Belly's Birthday. It always starts the same. Breakfast, Presents, Pool. This year, however, Belly's friend Taylor is joining us. I'm not super close with Taylor but she seems nice. Sometimes, however, she seems a little bossy.

I wake up and run downstairs, Mom has already started to make breakfast and the boys are decorating.

"Morning!" I say.

"Morning Laur," my Mother answers back.

I help cut some fruit for Belly's pancakes when the birthday queen arrives.

"Morning Everyone," she says.

"Morning Belly!" I scream and run over to her, "Happy Sweet Sixteen lil' sis!"

"Your Mickey Mouse pancakes are ready." My mother says.

"I'm not really, uh, hungry." Belly replies.

"We can open gifts," Susanah suggested.

With that, we all made our way to the living room.

This year my Mom bought Belly a rare book full of poems, Susanah gave her some pearls for the Deb ball, Steven got her a Princeton sweatshirt, I got her a new Puravida bracelet, and Jeremiah got her a golden good luck charm.

I knew the present she was most excited about was whatever Conrad was going to give her. He could give her a used toothpick and she would still be happy.

This year he fucked up though. He got her nothing. He 'forgot.' I didn't buy it for one second. How could he forget, I thought. This wasn't like him at all.


After the whole Conrad being a dumbass fiasco, Belly and Jere left to go pick up Taylor from the bus station.

This was the perfect time for me to watch a movie with Susanah.

"You pick," she said.

"No, I always pick bad ones, I like the ones you pick."

After some back and forth both decided to watch Grease.

We are about halfway through the movie when I hear Jeremiah come in, "Summer Lovin' had me a blast!" He starts to sing. He walks over to me, picks me up, and spins me.

"Summer loving, happened so fast," I sing back.

"I met a girl crazy for me," he points to me, "Met a boy cute as can be," I fan myself as we keep dancing. Susanah has a wide grin across her face, "You two are so cute."

"Who's cute?" Taylor asks as she walks in with Belly.

"Hey Lauren," she says, "Hey Taylor, how was the bus ride?"

"Boring, come on Belly let's go swim," Taylor says and walks out of the living room.

"Want to swim, Laur?" Belly asks me, "Of course, it's your Birthday!"


Everyone is in the pool and I'm just floating around.

Taylor suggests they play Chicken so I just sit out and watch.

It's funny seeing Taylor and Steven 'work as a team.' They never have gotten along but I for one am enjoying the free entertainment.

Jeremiah and Belly win right when Nicole and Conrad walk outside.

"Hi. Happy birthday, Belly... Are you guys playing chicken?" She says in an interesting tone. I don't know why it's such a big deal because it's just a game.

"Um, yeah. It was Taylor's idea." Belly says, "Hey, I'm Taylor."

"You guys want to play a real game?" Jeremiah asks the group.

We set up the volleyball net and started to play. I'm on Taylor and Belly's team, thank god. I suck at Volleyball. I'm just kind of chilling in the back, minding my own business.

Out of nowhere Taylor accidentally hits the ball in Nicole's direction. It bonks her right on the head.

"Ow," Nicole says.

Taylor starts to laugh. "Taylor,'' Belly scolds. I don't know why, it was an accident.

"I'm so sorry. Are you okay?" Belly asks Nicole. I love my sister but damn she is kissing Nicole's ass.

"Let's go inside. I'll get you some ice." Conrad says while helping Nicole inside.

"Feel better," I say, maybe Nicole was hurt, or she was just being dramatic.

"Come on, Lauren. Conrad can take care of Nicole. Let's go inside and look at ourselves in the mirror some more." Taylor says. Damn, that was rude.

"Yeah, have fun with that," Conrad responds to her. 

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