estrellas~chapter 12

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The past few days have been hectic, to say the least. All I have done is read.

I missed Susanah's Volleyball Tournament. I feel horrible for missing it, she was so excited.

Whenever I see Jeremiah I say very little and keep to myself. I still wore my rings however, I'm not giving up complete hope.

I'm aware that both him and Belly don't know that I saw what I saw, otherwise, they would've said something to me about it by now. I soon realize that they aren't even talking.

Practically the entire Beach House is falling into shambles. Who knew that so much drama could concur in such little time?


Another restless night approaches me. I climb on the roof and watch the stars. Little do I know Conrad Fisher heard me.

"Hey," Conrad says.

I jump up and give him a little wave.

"Are you still mad at me?" He asks, a little timid.

"No, it just caught me off guard," I replied.

"I'm sorry Lauren, what I did was shitty."

I stay quiet.

"I did it to make Belly jealous."

"You used me?" I turn to face him. He looks down and nods.

"I thought ruining her date with Cam worked but it didn't, they're still together. All I need is Belly." He said ashamed.

"Why did you never tell her?" I ask.

"I was too scared." He fidgets and grabs a cigarette out of his pocket, he offers me one and I accept.

"You should tell her how you feel," I answered, looking him dead in the eye.

"I should..." He went off, "I... things like this never come easy for me. Most of the time the girls come to me but she hasn't, am I not good enough for her?" He asks, looking at me vulnerable.

"You should ask her," I say while lighting my cigarette.

"Well, you should tell Jere how you feel."

I look at him abruptly and he just laughs, "Oh come on, it's so obvious that you're in love with him."

"Well, this is about you, not me," I playfully shove him and giggle.

We talk a little more about our feelings and shit, smoking and laughing. We clear the air and I am just glad I have Connie back. We smoke until sunrise.


We climb down from the roof and I walk into my room to find Belly sitting there.

"Hey," she says.

"Um, hi," I answered back.

"I'm sorry."

I remain quiet.

"I fucked up," she answers, "Jeremiah and I kissed..."

All I say back to her is, "I know, I saw."

She looks at me scared and sad.

"I was so obsessive about Conrad and my feelings that I wasn't even considerate of yours. I kissed Jeremiah to try and feel something other than Conrad's charm. Jeremiah and I were just swimming and talking, he said he heard Conrad flirt with you. It made me angry at how that wasn't me. " Belly starts to tear up, "I... I'm so sorry Laur."

I walk over and give her the biggest hug.

"I'm so sorry Lauren," she sobs into my shoulder, "I kissed Jeremiah he didn't do anything wrong I promise you." I look at her with empathetic eyes, "I'm so sorry, I was so jealous, I'm so sorry Laur," she keeps crying and I rub her back to comfort her, "He loves you, Lauren, I was just mad about how he wanted you and how Conrad doesn't want me."

"Belly..." I say, "Conrad loves you, you know?"

"What?" She says.

"Conrad kissed me, to try and get over his feelings for you," I say.

She tightens up.

"I pushed him off right away, all it was to me was a mistake," I say.

"He was confused too, talk to him." I think I see a glimpse of hope in her eyes.

"I guess Connie and I are very alike, taking advantage of people at the moment..."

I laugh at her joke and I see her smile.

"I forgive you if you forgive me," I say.

"I don't blame you for Conrad kissing you idiot," she smacks my arm and laughs, "I'm happy to have you back," is what I say.

"Wait," I say, "Who's taking you to the ball?"

"Cam still is, but uh, as friends."

"As friends?" I ask.

"Yeah, we had a long talk and realized we were just better friends. So, we are just friends. I came to realize that I still wasn't over Conrad and it just wasn't fair to Cam to keep pulling him along." 

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