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Nothing says accounting firm quite like the low buzzing of bright white overhead lights accompanied by the faint smell of stale coffee in the air.

Normally these mundane observations bring comfort and stability to Moss' day, however, today they are causing a persistent pulsing in his head. Of course, the ever-growing chain of unanswered texts from his mom could also be the reason for his migraine.


I need confirmation on whether or not you will be joining your father and I in Colorado on Saturday.


Please respond ASAP....


It's important that we support your brothers this weekend. Especially with it being Eli's rookie season debut.


I told the boys that you will be here. Please give me a call when you are home from work.

Going from two weeks of radio-silence from that woman to suddenly receiving multiple texts in such a short span of time is jarring.

Moss opts out of responding right away mainly due him not having a plane ticket for the aforementioned trip that he's hoping to avoid. He has only been working as an entry-level accountant for about a year and a half. His salary is nowhere near as voluminous as his NHL-star brothers, therefore, he shouldn't be expected to drop everything in Detroit to go watch them play a sport that they've been playing their entire lives.

Logically, Moss knows that he's being overly cynical about the whole ordeal.

His youngest brother, Eli, has been drafted eighth overall to the Colorado Boulders and will be playing in his first regular season game with their brother, Shane, this weekend. The excitement he feels for Eli is only tainted by his parents expecting him to pay for a flight and hotel room with his measly budget.

Nevertheless, Moss tempers down his frustration and selects his mother's phone number to call despite still being seated at his desk in the office.

"Mo- do you have your flight set up? When do you leave?" His mother skips the formalities and jumps straight into it.

"I haven't booked anything yet. All the flights that I looked at are so expensive.... I'm not sure I'll be able to make it," he explains to her hesitantly.

"Moss Benjamin Kettler!"

Oh boy....

"Eli and Shane are playing their first regular season game together on the same NHL team and you're telling me that you won't be there for it?" She questions angrily.

"Well I-"

"You will book the soonest flight you can and be here to support your brothers. I'm not asking you to be here for every home game, for heaven's sake. Send me your flight information when it's booked and I will see you on Saturday." She ends the phone call with finality in her voice.

Moss swivels in his chair to face his computer monitor and opens a tab for Delta Airlines flights.

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