Blind Pass

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As predicted, Tye and Eli are healthy scratches for game three in Houston when they return back from their trip to Detroit.

Reporters and fans on social media have a field day trying to figure out why both the star player and rookie are being benched for such an important game. Shane's black eye certainly sparks some gossip, but no information has been leaked to the public otherwise.

The two defensemen watch from a suite as the Boulders lose their second game in a row, making the series 2-1 in Houston's favor.

Thankfully, they are both approved to play in game four which drastically improves the team's on-ice performance. While the Boulders' play still looks noticeably strained, they ultimately seem more energetic and motivated with the addition of the two men.

They end up winning game four to tie up the series 2-2 coming back to Colorado.


Moss' flight to Denver the next day is scheduled to land a couple of hours before the Boulders are even set depart from Houston.

With his imminent return, Moss figures he should give Lars and Addie a heads up that he will be back in town. Addie responds to his text immediately, offering to sit in the family suite with him at the next game to which Moss politely declines.

He instead asks if he can stop by their house on his way to Tye's so he can brief them on everything that has happened over the past couple of days. Moss recognizes that they reached out to him during the Houston hotel disaster with good intentions. He wants to make sure that they are properly filled in on the situation and reassure them that it won't happen again.

Addie must have been waiting at the door for him because it swings open before he can even finish his first knock.

With her arms wound tight around Moss, Addie reprimands him, "Don't you dare scare us like that ever again, Moss Kettler. We didn't sleep a wink until Eli confirmed with us that you were alive in Detroit."

Guilt washes over Moss once more for causing his friends so much trouble with his impulsive actions.

"I'm so sorry- I promise it won't happen again," he chokes out softly, squeezing her back.

A throat clears from behind Addie causing them to separate. Lars is standing with his arms crossed over his chest, but he moves to give the younger man a quick hug as well once his wife releases him from her hold.

"I know Ads has already told you off, but please never do that again," Lars sounds drained from the whole situation.

Moss swears to him as well that it won't happen again.

He then follows them further into the house and sits on their couch next to Addie and across from Lars who claims the recliner. They have their two oldest children greet him before the kids eagerly go back to playing on the ground in front of them. Addie is gently rocking their youngest back and forth in her arms. Multitasking, she turns her attention to Moss and asks him to fill them in on the events that went down.

By the time he finishes giving them the details, they are infuriated with Shane, but grateful that Moss has made up with Eli and Tye. Wanting to avoid speaking further about his estranged brother, he tells them about how much stronger he and Tye's relationship has been after the whole debacle.

"It's only been a couple days, but I already feel like we've been communicating better. We text or FaceTime whenever we can and check in on how we're feeling," he explains. "I think we were too afraid to, like, inconvenience each other before if we weren't in a good mood or something. Now, I let him know when I start to get in my head about what Shane said and he tells me when the stress of playoffs is getting to him."

Lars and Addie are elated to hear that the boyfriends are communicating more clearly with each other and will, hopefully, avoid repeating what had happened just a few days ago.

Moss also tells them about how he and Tye had made a deal in Detroit.

The deal being that Tye would fly back to Houston so he could make the next practice and play in game four as long as Moss booked a flight back to Denver so he would be there before the team returned.

"Tye forgave me for what I did, but I want to prove to him that I'm serious about us," Moss reveals to the married couple. "When he comes back later today, I'm going to see if he's okay with me being introduced to the WAGs. Then I can sit with all of you in the suite at the next game and we don't have to be an open secret to the team anymore. Everyone probably already knows about us anyways after everything that happened at the hotel."

Addie looks like she's simultaneously experiencing extreme joy and annoyance, "I would absolutely LOVE to introduce you to the girls, Moss. But please don't blame yourself for what went down at the hotel. Shane was the one who initiated all of this and Tye decided to air everything out by loudly confronting him about it."

Moss appreciates his friend trying to remove some of the blame from him, but he knows that he could've helped avoid the situation altogether by talking to Tye instead of breaking up with him over text. Nevertheless, he has learned not to argue with Addie so he graciously accepts her words before changing the subject to something more lighthearted.

Not wanting to overstay his welcome, Moss eventually wraps up their conversation, saying that he wants to get back to Tye's house before the hockey player returns. The Larsson's walk him to the front door where they both give him a big hug that reminds him of his own parents hugging him when he was a child. They tell him that they're always available to talk before giving their final parting words.

"We've known Tye since he was a rookie and have never seen him happier than he has been when he's with you," Lars' eyes are kind, but serious. "Addie and I have also loved getting to know you. I'm confident that you and Tye will take great care of each other from here on out."

Moss feels as if he's about to start crying so he quickly gives each of them another hug and thanks them profusely for everything that they have done for him. He then makes is way towards the Uber that is waiting to take him and his luggage back to the house that he's been longing to return to for the last couple of days.

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