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Moss wakes up with his head tucked under Tye's chin and half of Tye's body draped over him like a weighted blanket. An 8:00 AM alarm is going off and Moss is kind of trapped in his current position so he can't turn it off himself.

His left arm breaks free from the hold Tye has on it so he can run his hand through his captors hair. Nuzzling into Tye's neck while doing this allows him to successfully wake up the sleepy hockey player.

"Mornin'," Tye grunts out somehow tugging Moss even closer to him.

"Good morning- You should turn off the alarm before I throw your phone across the room," he recommends in an even tone that leaves no room for argument.

Tye blindly reaches for his phone and silences the alarm, "That wouldn't be very nice or helpful."

They continue to lay in silence, focusing on the rise and fall of their chests as they breathe. Neither of them are willing to come to terms with having to wake up for the day just yet.

While cuddling in bed the night before, Moss reflected on the last couple of months of his and Tye's friendship. There were definitely signs that they were both interested in being more than friends, even if they hadn't fully realized it themselves at the time. Moss now feels hyperaware of how they constantly found excuses to talk on the phone when they were apart and touch when they were together.

Tye suddenly groans, effectively breaking Moss out of his reverie.

"I guess I should get ready for practice."

"Mm, that sucks for you. I think I'm gonna go back to sleep," Moss grins while pulling the covers further up over his chin. Tye tries to look annoyed, but ends up smiling down at his boyfriend and kissing his forehead before getting out of bed.

He then goes into his walk-in closet and comes out in black sweatpants and a burgundy, Boulders quarter-zip. As he is exiting the closet, he asks Moss if he wants tea or coffee, but sees that he already fell back asleep. Closing the bedroom door quietly, Tye makes his way to the kitchen and starts up the coffee machine.

Once he fills his travel mug up to the brim, he drives to the practice facility where they run conditioning drills as punishment for last nights loss. Even with his body aching and dripping with sweat, Tye feels on top of the world. Nothing can wreck his good mood, not even coach's attempt at retribution for the teams poor performance against the Canyons.


Moss has been lazing around the house all day waiting for Tye's return which finally comes around 1:30 PM. The wind is knocked out of him as the tired defenseman collapses on top of him while he lays defenselessly on the couch.

"Jesus, you're heavy," Moss laughs lightly pushing at him so he can lean his back against the arm rest of the couch. He looks down at his boyfriend whose face is buried in the fabric of his sweatshirt over his stomach and runs a hand through his hair similar to how he did earlier that morning when he woke him up to turn off the alarm.

"How was practice?" He asks after receiving a groan from his previous statement and change of position.

Tye lifts his head up so he's looking at Moss with his chin resting on his stomach.

"Coach bag-skated us for last night's loss. My legs feel like they're going to fall off and he's making Monday's practice mandatory now."

"But it was only a 3-1 loss and no one looked, like, especially terrible out there," Moss reasons with a confused tilt of his head.

"Mm- he said that it looks like we're all checked out of the regular season based on our last five games and that we lucked our way into the wins that we've gotten recently," Tye offers before pushing his face back into Moss' stomach.

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