Chapter 17

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Daniel's POV (Daddy)

Luke disappeared to his office to do some work after we set Beth down for her nap, the poor thing was really tired and in need of one after this morning's events. While my baby was napping and my husband working I decided to get some housework done, that's the way it tends to be, Luke works, he owns his own company so is flexible with his work and helps do the cooking and dishes but I don't work so I tend to do the rest of the housework most of the time, I don't mind as I rather enjoy it since there is some sort of peace while doing it especially with my music going. 

I had been cleaning for roughly 45 minutes and managed to get most of the housework done, just had the laundry to do when I heard a blood-boiling scream followed by hysterical sobs coming from Beth's room. I wasted no time running to the nursery to see her rocking back and forth sobbing her little heart out. She flinched when she saw me come in then stood up holding onto the bars. "Daddyyyyyyyyyy".

I heard what she said but at this moment I could not think about it, I wasted no time picking her up, going to the chair, and rocking back and forth until she settled enough to tell me what had happened. Just as I sat down Luke ran in looking frantically around for her but relaxed when he saw her with me in the chair. 

"What happened?" Luke asked.

"I have no idea, I was cleaning and was about to do the laundry when I heard her. I have never heard anything so...I don't even know how to describe what that was." I say. Luke sat beside me and wiped my cheek with his thumb. I was not aware I had started to cry until he did this. "Why? What would someone do to her to make her wake screaming like that? What did they do to her?" I say fully sobbing now. I was so upset over this that I had not realized Beth had calmed down and fallen back asleep. 

"Okay, why don't we take Beth through to our room and watch TV till she wakes up at least that way when she wakes she will be between us and hopefully feel how safe she is?" he says in a reassuring voice that seems to do the trick and I nod my head and follow him out the room and into the bedroom but not before picking up Beth's stuffie and paci. 

When we got into bed I refused to set Beth down instead I lay her on my chest and just held her close. We sat like that for about half an hour when I felt her begin to stir. I look down at her and smile, "Hey ladybug, how are you feeling? You gave Papa and me a real scare earlier" I say as she lifts her head and looks at me. She does not reply but stares for a moment before he puts her head back down facing Luke and sticks her thumb in her mouth. 

"Is someone feeling a little small just now hmm?"Luke asks. She only rubs her face into my chest in reply. We both chuckle at her but leave her be to wake up fully. After another 15 minutes, she finally sits up fully and stares at us cocking her head to the side almost like she's studying us before she looks around the room. No words have been spoken which is odd as we at least expected her to say something or at least try and get away from me, but nothing, just looking around, not a care in the world. I look over to Luke to see he too is studying her movements with a puzzled look on his face most likely wondering the same thing as me. Why is she so quiet?

Beth's POV

I woke up lying on Dad...Daniel's chest. My head felt fuzzy and I felt almost numb and was tired still even though I had just slept. That dream had scared me to the point that before I knew I had done it I called Daniel Daddy. At that moment I was too lost in my thoughts and fears to pay any attention to my words but now that I am awake it's all I can think about, and on some level, a really weird level that it felt natural. I can't speak right now, I don't know what to say so I will just sit here and stay silent until I know what to say or how to act because at this moment all I seem to be able to do is look around this bedroom. They have a nice room, masculine but in a gentle-toned way. I don't know how to describe the room but I love it and makes me feel at home.

"Do you like the room bug?" Daniel asked me bringing me out of my thoughts with a little startled. All I can do is nod my head. I feel really tired still and can feel myself wanting to relax, I tried to fight this for a few moments but I decided to give up and trust that they meant what they said and wanted to look after me so I put my head back on daniels chest and snuggle in enjoying the warmth, not falling asleep but just feeling content for the first time in a long time. 

Luke's POV

As we watch Beth look around the room we can see her fighting her tiredness. She still has not spoken so Daniel asks her the simple question of if she likes our room in hopes of getting some words from her but with no luck and a nod instead. After a few moments, I see her slightly relax and sag her upper body which takes me by surprise by resting on Daniel again and getting comfortable. This was not what I expected her to do but she looks at peace and I can only hope that this side of her is the one wanting our love and affection. I gently brushed her hair back from her face expecting her to pull away but again surprised me and sat up, reaching her arms out to me and I wasted no time pulling her over and cuddling in. 

"Why don't I go grab some drinks and snacks and we can all watch some TV and just relax the rest of today hmm? Does that sound nice bug?" Daniel asked getting up off the bed. Beth just lay there silently in my arms. "I think that is a good plan love," and with that, he nods and heads off and is back with everything needed not long after. We all snuggle and watch Lilo and Stitch for the rest of the afternoon. 

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