Chapter 23

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Beth's POV

I woke up feeling warm and cozy and it's a feeling I love especially since it's not a feeling I was really used to. I just lay there soaking up the warmth before I remembered what had happened. My day started nice, I was giving this a chance and trying, and as much as the situation is completely against the law Kidnapping someone I did have to admit that these people make me feel warm, fuzzy, and safe and I have never felt safe before in my life. I'm still skeptical about this whole being treated as a child thing but I promised I would give it a chance and I will keep by that word as long as they keep by theirs and protect me. 

However, after a good morning, we made our way to see a therapist, they had explained yesterday that we were going to see if they could help with my night terrors. Being here and having someone to help me threw those terrors was the biggest blessing in my kidnapping the terrors themselves are enough to make me spiral and the fear I feel during and even after them I can't even describe it. So yes a therapist and I would gladly go ahead if it helped not just me but them too. I have to admit that I do feel bad even if I can't help it, that they have to deal with my breakdowns due to the terrors so I am willing to try speaking to someone to help. TRY is the word. I'm honestly such a nervous wreck that when I do try to talk it's like I can't, I clamp up and shut down.

Just thinking about being in the office alone with that lady makes me scared. She was supposed to give me time to collect myself and feel ready to talk, that is what my daddies said last night. That she would be patient and understanding and also move at my own pace, but that didn't happen. She was rushed and angry that I wouldn't talk, but her getting on at me made me even more nervous and scared to talk. It brought back feelings of when I was with my parents and I could never stick up for myself with them. When she grabbed me it hurt and it was then I remembered what daddy said that he and Papa were right outside that door. I didn't even think I just ran to them knowing that they were my safe space and that was what I needed at the time. 

Once Papa had me in his arms I don't remember much I was far too gone in my crying to focus on any words or movements. The only thing I registered was being handed to Daddy and being put in my car seat before falling asleep. I was broken out of my thoughts by the sound of the door opening. 

"Hey sunshine, how was your nap?" Papa asked. He looked sad, did I upset him, OH NO, did I do something wrong?

"Hey calm down love what's wrong," Papa said as he picked me up and cuddled me close. I relaxed into him feeling safe in his arms. "I'm sorry Papa," I say sniffling, waiting for him to get angry with me for running out of the office earlier this morning. "Why is my baby sorry?", "For being naughty at Dr," I said struggling to get a full sentence out. I felt all warm and fuzzy again and I knew I was begining to slip, I can notice it sometimes and here it comes. Just then Daddy walks in and they sit on the beanbags in the corner with me in Papa's arms still. 

"We need to talk about that, can you tell us what happened?" Papa asked me and I told them the truth but felt myself getting a little worked up over it. "Do you believe me?" I had to ask, one thing I never done was lie or I would get punished and I would not start lying now. "Of course we do baby and you won't be seeing her again never she will be in big trouble for doing what she has done, you shouldn't have had to go threw that with someone meant to be supportive, but can you do something for me bug?" daddy asked, "yeth daddy", "Try and talk to us about your terrors and anything else like that so we can try to help you, can you try that for me bug?", "otay daddy". 

The rest of the day went by smoothly I ended up really fuzzy the rest of the day and was in my little headspace but was not complaining about it. Papa went to do some work after our chat so  Daddy and I played, watched movies, oh and colored it was so much fun. Dinner came around too quickly and I was sad we had to stop playing to eat. My appetite was still small but better than it used to be. I had some mac and cheese with mixed veg on the side. I think this was the first time like ever I managed to eat a whole plate of food and got loads of praise from my daddies for eating it all up. 

"What do you want bug, a quick shower or a bubble bath tonight?" Daddy asked.

"BUBBLESSSSSSSS" I shouted out giggling and he came over and started tickling me. "Da-dd-yyyy st-oooooppp" I screamed in fits of giggles trying to get him to stop. "Pappa h-heeelp", "Right Daddy you leave my little baby alone unless you want ticked too," Papa said smirking. "Yeth papa, daddy need tickles tooo," they both laughed at me and papa attacked daddy with tickles too. 

That's how the night went, laughs and love and it was blissful. After bath time we watched the Lion King again and i got my bottle but fell asleep half way threw the movie. I felt HAPPY.

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