Either way

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Dean's pov

After getting Drew and Katie settled into bed, Amy and I went to talk to Alex and it did not go well.

I listened to him argue snottily with his mother for over five minutes before I'd had enough. Finally I sent Amy away, telling her I'd handle this. My woman is not good at tough love.

"Look, we can do this one of two ways, the easy way, or the hard way but make no mistake about it..." I paused, ensuring I had his full attention. Confident he was listening intently now, I continued, "It is going to happen."

"You're fuckin' delusional if you think I'm gonna let you touch me."

"Alex, you messed up bad, kid, putting your life in danger like that. Now you gotta take responsibility for your actions." Looking him squarely in the eye, I added, "Like a man."

"Men don't get spanked," Alex protested. "I'm not some dumb little kid like Drew who worships the ground you walk on. I know better. You're just like all the rest of 'em. You can't control me, I won't let you."

"You're wrong, kid." I took a step closer. "Not about me being able to control you. I don't want that. I grew up with that and I wouldn't do that to you, or anybody else." I took a deep breath, trying to stay focused and forget about what my dad did to me growing up. This isn't about him, or me. This is about the scared angry lost kid standin' in front of me now. Little bit like lookin' in the mirror, if I'm gonna be honest with myself.

Alex scoffed, mumbling, "Yeah right," under his breath.

"I'm not like the rest of them," I stated with unmistakable authority. "I'm in it for the long haul. I'm not going anywhere. Whether you want to believe it or not, I'm here to stay."

"Gimme a break," Alex protested, rather weakly though, I noticed.

"Look at me," I ordered sternly, seeing his head drop, his gaze now focused on his feet.

"Why should I?" he asked, gaining some false bravado as he complied, looking at me with disdain. "You're no different than the rest of 'em. You think I haven't heard this speech before? Please," he snarked. "I could recite it by heart already."

I held eye contact with him, waiting for him to continue unloading. Waiting and hoping he'd unleash all the anger towards all the dickheads who have traipsed in and out of his and his mom's life in the past fifteen years. His father, his step father, and every other prick who used his mother and walked away. Every single bastard who fucked with her heart and his. He's held onto this hurt and betrayal far too long and it's been eating him up inside.

"I'm sure you have and that sucks. It really does."

"Yeah it does suck!" he spat at me, his voice thick with contempt.

I know most of this isn't really directed at me. I'll gladly bear the brunt of it and be his punching bag, if it helps.

"You think just cuz you're fucking my mom, that makes you my dad. Well, it doesn't. I don't need a dad. Me and Mom and Drew were doing just fine before you came along." He looked at me as if he was waitin' for me to react, to get mad but I didn't. I remained silent and waited. "You won't be the last either, so you can quit wastin' my time by trying to play daddy. Drew might eat that shit up, but I know better and I don't give a fuck." Alex sneered at me, thinking what he said would definitely get a rise out of me. He's trying hard to piss me off and push me away but I ain't budging.

"You through?" I asked, surprising even myself by remaining calm.

"Fuck off," he grumbled, a lot less angry now that he had a chance to vent.

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