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— 𝓜𝓾𝓽𝓾𝓪𝓵𝓵𝔂 𝓑𝓮𝓷𝓮𝓯𝓲𝓽𝓮𝓭

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— 𝓜𝓾𝓽𝓾𝓪𝓵𝓵𝔂 𝓑𝓮𝓷𝓮𝓯𝓲𝓽𝓮𝓭

       You were currently at a restaurant with Keiji and his mom. To say she was surprised at your sentence was an understatement. She had almost dropped her phone and her jaw was wide open. Keiji had let out a breath he was holding when he watched his mom gather herself and smile slightly, something he rarely saw. She had offered to take the two of you out to lunch, wanting to get to know you. You accepted but made sure you were able to put your groceries away at home first.

       Keiji had left his mom in the car for a couple of minutes while he helped you take your groceries up to your apartment. It was a bit of a shock, the way it was decorated, alot of vintage furniture. He really envied the giant bookshelf that seemed to follow the side of the stairs. You're apartment was small definitely, the loft consisting of your bed and desk was about as large as your living room and kitchen combined which were both on the smaller side. The whole apartment seemed like a certain aesthetic that he couldn't quite pinpoint but he enjoyed it.

       Sitting in the backseat of Keiji's car you had an unnerving feeling as you looked out the window. You didn't want to leave a bad impression on his mom even if you were only his pretend girlfriend. She had taken you guys to a nicer restaurant, thanking the heavens you didn't wear sweat pants today. Keiji held the door open for you both, you letting his mom go first and then following. To say Keiji was nervous was an understatement, he felt like curling up into a ball and melting. Eventually you guys were seated, Akaashi pulling out the chair for his mom and you, and you all ordered waters.

"So.." His mom had looked at the both of you, who were seated next to eachother.

"How did you guys meet?" You looked at Keiji who had grabbed your hand, whether it was to make you guys look like a real couple or to comfort himself, he didn't know. You rubbed his hand with your thumb as he took a breathe.

"We met through a mutual friend. Last year actually, but we didn't start talking until a couple months ago." You smiled, feeling really nervous, you had never done something like this before.

"How long have you been together?" She narrowed her eyes switching her attention from her son to you.

"A month, and two weeks, October 16th to be exact." Akaashi was surprised that you were so specific, he made a mental note of the date you had said. Realistically it was your best friends birthday, and was the first thing that popped into your head.

       His mom hummed and you finally looked at the menu. Everything was quite pricey but you were sure you could afford it the one time. His mom had droned on and on about Keiji, which you listened to intently hoping to learn more about him, and you did. You learned he used to play volleyball, graduated top of his class at Fukurodani, and that he was born and raised in Tokyo. His mother noticed the way you listened without interupting and with the utmost attention, something she liked in a person. After ordering she had asked you about yourself, catching Keiji's attention, he was definitely nervous, his mom was always a prejudice person.

"Ah.. I graduated from Nekoma High School, I dont think it's to far from Fukurodani actually. I was top of my class as well and I was in the art club, just as a hobby. I also work at a record shop for now until I graduate then I plan on interning at my dad's corporation, he wants to help me set up my own business." You smiled, your dad had always been a very laid back dude, and supported you no matter what you did.

"You were in an art club?" Keiji froze, his mom had the same thoughts on art as your grandparents did and you honestly could tell.

"Just as a hobby, sometimes now though, I sell portraits on the side whenever I need the extra money." She looked kind of surprised by your words.

"Does it make good money?" She eyed you but your smile never waivered. You had this conversation with your grandmother plenty of times and knew you had to be confident.

"Usually they're pretty big, so they go for about 30000 yen each. I put alot of work into it. You know, I actually get this guy who commissions me works all the time of his wife. I've drawn an engagement photo and a wedding photo of theirs, it was quite sweet actually. I made alot of money from those two." His mom had smiled at you, putting her hands on top of yours where they rested on the table.

"I think it's nice you have something on the side, and I can't wait to see what buisness you create." You had heard the underlying message of 'Im glad you understand art isn't a good career path' and smiled at her, promptly, but not harshly, removing your hands from the table back to your lap.

"Oh, mom.." Keiji had hesitated before continuing.

"What time was the family meeting at again?" His mom perked up, smiling.

"Oh thats right! You'll finally have someone to bring with you! Keiji has come alone for the past.. Three years? I expected him to have had a girlfriend by now and well I guess he does. Try and look nice would you? Its at two but dinner doesnt start until four." His mom had smiled at you and Keiji.

"I will definitely try and look my best, I don't want to leave a bad impression after all." You smiled at his mom who pulled out her phone.

"Give me your number, I'd like to see what you're wearing before you show up? Just to help out a little. And it would be nice to get in touch with you in case I can't contact Keiji for some reason." You put your information into her phone, Keiji watching as you hesitated slightly.

       Soon you guys had eaten your food, and finsihed, his mom paying for the bill. You had thanked her profusely promising to pay next time if you guys had gone out. His mom was impressed with you, she didn't think Keiji could find someone so respectful, especially after meeting Bokuto who she didn't like too much. Keiji had dropped his mom off at her house before letting you get in the front seat. While you did that, he walked his mom to her door and you could see her say some things to him. He got back in sighed very heavily and smiled.

"She really likes you. Holy crap she likes you." Akaashi had grabbed your shoulders shaking you a bit.

"Really? I thought I blew it with the art stuff."

"Me too, no offense. Thank you so much by the way. I owe you tremendously." You giggled and Akaashi took you home, deciding he'd stay at yours until all of your friends came over.

𝓜𝓾𝓽𝓾𝓪𝓵𝓵𝔂 𝓑𝓮𝓷𝓮𝓯𝓲𝓽𝓮𝓭

𝓜𝓾𝓽𝓾𝓪𝓵𝓵𝔂 𝓑𝓮𝓷𝓮𝓯𝓲𝓽𝓮𝓭  Where stories live. Discover now