Kyōjurō {2}

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I watched the Light in her dark eyes fade and her limp body fall into my arms. I held her close. At first, I was unsure what to do at that moment, but her heart still pounding against my chest as I held her made me relax slightly. I had been so worried about her, but Now I was even more so. She was out cold. I felt terrible for her—my wife. The woman I loved had to see that- her favorite student. Though she would never admit she had a favorite but, I was sure she saw something in the girl that reminded her of the strength she had seen in many of her friends. I just hoped that the sweet girl went fast. I knew I would need to be her light. Akako often went into a dark area when tragedy struck. It was something all Slayers should be used to, but that was hard to muster. It was hard just to shut off emotions when you grew to love the people you fight beside. That was her and my problem. I fell for her like she had for me. It was a constant fear of losing her, and I knew she felt the same.

"Well, Well," I must have let my guard down and never heard the demon before me. His voice grated on my nerves as I glanced up. I don't think I could take him alone, not with my injuries. I needed to buy myself time for the sun to come up. The demon would get the best of me and- I strained to see, but this demon. He was different, and even the feeling I got from him made my limbs seem even heavier. I needed to buy her time. If I died then- so be it as long as she was ok.

"Soon, the sun will be up!" I called out to him. He stood by the deteriorating demon—the small child's body off in the deepest parts of the alley. I needed to ensure I collected her later- that's if I made it out of there.

"Then I would have enough time, wouldn't I?" This demon had unique markings that coated his skin. He wore a suit and looked nothing like the demon Akako took down just moments ago. I didn't look away from him as I sat her up against the brick building. Her limp body was just gently propped. I stiffen as the demon's eyes take a look at her limp body, her face hidden by hair and dirt, but he seems unfazed as his eyes land on me again. A smile on his face as he made his way to me slowly. His black loafers stepped into a few puddles that were a mix of blood and water and whatever fluid lingered around here.

"Don't worry," He said, slipping his hands from his pockets. "I don't believe in hurting women. It's you I want. I watched you both fight-" He glances up to a tall building behind me. Most likely, that's where he had been this whole time. But why had she not sensed the demon? Why had I not? "I want to give you a chance.... Come with me." He held his hand out to me, but I narrowed my eyes and shook my head.

"You must be an idiot to think I would go to someone like you. I plan on killing you" Or die trying. My hand moved to my Katana, but my eyes widened slightly. It wasn't at my hip. I glanced over, and it was by where the dead demon had been.

"Come on," He says, a smile on his face as he steps closer. The dark blue in the sky slowly drifted to a soft, light blue. I needed more time. "No one needs to die."

"You should, though." I narrowed my eyes and grabbed the gun that was holstered to my side. It was new, and with energy transfers, it should help take a demon down. If not, maybe it could slow him down.

Before I could even process it, the demon was headed straight toward me, but something else was in the way. Her smaller body pushed me out of the way, and she faced the demon head-on, but this- the demon stopped in his tracks and narrowed his eyes on her, but something else lingered in that gaze. Was it the fact that she was a woman? That's what the demon had said, so maybe he was honest about that.

My eyes land back on her. She was reeling. She must have just gotten up and functioning alone on adrenaline. Her tiny body swayed. I hurried to pull her to me, crushing her against me. She was willing to take any blows this demon had in store for her. But instead, the demon took a step back, and his eyes remained on her. Something possessive lived in my chest as I pulled her away and watched him.

"The sun is coming up," I finally said. The soft hints of sunlight rise over large towers and buildings. "Would hate for you to burn up." I was lying. I wanted this demon to burn. It was too late for him, but his eyes stayed on her.

Finally catching on to what I was saying, he peeked up at the sky and narrowed his eyes at me. A silent war between us. "I'll be seeing you both." He whispered, and a chill gripped my spine. I felt like he was honest about those words. I would be seeing him because if he ever looked at her like that again, I would make sure he never did again.

I watched as he walked away like he had all the time in the world. And in a way, he did. But something about him made me question so much. Like why he watched her with such an intense look. Even more so, how the woman who was now limp in my arms could muster the energy to get up and step between us.
I gently moved her and lifted her in my arms, making sure to position her so as not to cause her further injury and make it back to the car.


I watched her as she lay out in the hospital bed. The seventh floor of the sky-rise that held many Hashira, training equipment, and other utilities. Even legal representatives and clean-up crews for when we needed it.
Her dark hair fanned out against her pillow, and her lashes touched the soft, sun-kissed skin of her cheek.
Shinobu Kochō had gotten her in fast and cleaned up any wounds before they festered. She ran the hospital wing here. Well, her older sister Kanae is the flower Pillar. I trusted Kochō with getting Akako to feel better. I knew she would be fine after the three hours of me panicking in the hall. Now, it was just a matter of time.
There was plenty of time to think about the fact that that demon saw her and froze. Something in him seemed off in that moment. It made me worry even more because I wondered if she saw the same thing. Or would she not remember a thing? Maybe adrenaline pushed it all away, and she would only remember killing the demon. It would be even better if it took away the scene of that poor girl. No one deserves that, but that's why I do what I do. So does Akako.
Losing her family at a young age made her strive for it. It's how I met her and loved her from the moment I watched her train.
"Kyōjurō?" Her soft voice made me sit up in the seat next to her bed and reach for her hand. Her eyes fluttered open and caught sight of me. The way her brown eyes held crimson in the depths.
"Don't speak- I worry you might hurt yourself." I stood up and felt her forehead. No fever. She wasn't burning like she had earlier, so that was a good sign. If anything, she seemed to be recovering better than I could have hoped. I clasped her hand into mine as I searched her face.
"I tried to hurry and bring you here. You have been out for a few days, and we worried, but- you are doing better." A smile crossed my face as she looked up at me.
"How are the children?" She whispers out, and that makes my smile waver because I could lose her to silence well she struggles alone—something she often did.
"I told them the news... They are worried, but I handled it." I had to tell the children, and though it was hard, they mourned and returned to it. Waiting for Akako and I to return for training.
She glances away towards the open windows.
"I failed her- I didn't get there soon enough and-" I can see the start of her tears. The way her eyes become glassy and the soft, noticeable change in her eye color.
I moved closer to her side, and my finger traced under her jaw and, pressing in and over, making her look back at me.
She was perfection in every way, even when she was struggling, even when I couldn't reach her in the darkness that swarmed her thoughts. 
"She put up a fight. We know she did- she was taught by you, and nothing will change that. You have to know that. This- this is why we need to keep working with the children. To get them through this no matter what." I spoke with determination. The look in her eyes changed slowly, but I knew sadness still lived within them.
"I just- I miss them," She whispers and lowers her eyes.
"Just so you know-" I whispered and tried to lighten her mood even for a moment. "You saved me."
Her eyes meet mine, and they round slightly. Her lips parted ever so gently, and I wanted to trace the plump outline with my thumb. This is what happened every time I almost lose her. I need and desire to be closer.
"Do you not remember?"
She shook her head as she watched me and glanced away. I gently raised her bed so she could sit up. She didn't wince, and that was a good sign.
"I need you to get better. I want-"
"-That demon," she cuts in and her eyes back on me. "-I- He was odd, right?"
I'm surprised she would remember him and not that she saved me. I nod and glance down at her hands in her lap. She was nervous. Was she worried like I was? In this new day of age, the demons seem to be nothing like our ancestors or even our parents were used to. 
"Rest for now- I want you back home soon." I gave her a smile and let my worries sink into the back of my mind.

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