Akako {3}

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Once I was released from headquarters, I was sentenced to my room to recover by my husband. However, that didn't last long. The need to get up and keep pushing lived strong in me, and that's what I did.
He went out on a mission, and being the type of woman I am, I was trying to go out to tend to the children before I was cornered by three of Tengen Uzui's wives. I suppose word got around, and my husband was more than happy to ask for help.
So I was standing in my kitchen when the three girls moved about to make lunch for the kids—something I usually did.
"I can do it," I mumbled and crossed my arms over my chest.
"Yes, but Lord Tengen told us to make sure you didn't lift a finger." The smallest one, Suma, Spoke out with a high tone in her voice that held excitement that she would be making Tnegen happy. What a lucky man.
"Where is he anyhow?" I mumbled and moved to the small kitchen Island that sat in the middle of the large kitchen.
When Kyōjurō and I were looking into places, we needed vast room for the kids when we did training. We wanted this to be like home for them.
"He is getting ready for Mission. He was going to accompany Rengoku," Maki speaks as she gets a few things out that Hina needs.
"Another one? I didn't get anything... that's odd. Unless Kyōjurō is keeping it from me." I sigh and lay the side of my face against the countertop. Being stuck inside was killing me. I wanted to be out there helping the children or being on a mission. I'm here stuck inside and not even allowed to cook in fear I may tear into a few of my incisions. My loving husband was often worried. I supposed it was fair because I often worried about him.
"It's for your own good- for right now at least," Hinatsuru bustles about as she starts to put prepped food in the oven.
Great, there is no way they would let me sneak off. They were freaking Shinobi, and I was just a Hashira. It's what made Tengen Uzui such an amazing Hashira.
I let out another annoyed groan and hid my face with my arms as I placed them on the counter. I needed to do something, but to be honest, I felt the need for sleep creep in.
"I hate to ask-"
"Ask anyways," Makio demanded, making me sigh—she's so bossy but not as bossy as sweet Hinatsuru.
"I really need to lay down. Let the kids know I am fine, please." I gave them a sweet smile as they waved me off, and I moved from my seat and headed back up to the bedroom.
It didn't take long before I moved into the bed and sighed. Facing the large floor-length window and watching the sun and in the middle of the sky. It was an amazing view and something I loved.
As I lay there, I thought of that demon. I knew what I had done, and Kyōjurō had asked plenty of times of what I remembered. I lied, though. I wasn't sure why I had, but- I stood up to that demon like I knew he would never do anything to me.
How would I have known he wouldn't hurt women- A fact Kyōjurō told me about later when I told him I knew nothing.
I had never met a demon who wouldn't hurt a woman. If anything, it made me smile. Like, I was proud he didn't. Was it the same with children as well? Was it possible to be a good demon?
I smiled, though, and let my mind wander to that demon. He was well dressed. Collected even. It was something Demon's had learned to control over the years. Being able to control how others see them. However, not all of them could do that. Usually, upper demons did that. Lower demons were easy to spot and dwelled in the shadows.
This one, though- I hopped up from the bed and moved to a small desk that sat in the corner of the room. Something Kyōjurō and I had got assuming we would use it- we did not.
I picked up the small laptop and moved to the bed, sitting down and opening it to look up something.
The demon himself wore expensive perfume. Most likely to cover the smell of rot most demons had on them. However, I didn't smell the rot. What I did smell was fresh Jasmine, and around this time, it reminded me of a certain flower. I needed to see if he lived or worked around certain areas that had the flower out.
Reading about certain things and information free to the public and on the Slayer organization database- I found him. He was some big-time CEO in Japan- that's new. A demon who ran in that way? If he was an upper demon, then- well, that meant he dealt with the large Yakuza boss—an untouchable man for any slayer and someone I would love to put down. Muzan was a man no one could get to.
I paused on the man. His mane was Akuza. There is nothing major in his details, considering that depending on how recently he was made, it would be hard to hide. Most likely, he probably hid for a while and then would pop back up like he was a new player- after everyone who would have known him would have been long dead.
The demon in question was surely a ladies' man. He looked clean with a sweet smile about him. He had lengthened hair that was slicked back, and his build was muscled and lean. He seemed- so familiar. Not that I would know- unless I had run into the demon before. Maybe in passing, and I didn't know? Though that would be odd. And it would also mean one of my techniques would be off. I should work on that when I get better.
I let out a soft sigh, shut the laptop, and returned it to its place. I slipped back into bed and thought of him—that demon. Soon, sleep took me, and I was happy.

—---- To Meet Once more —--- years before —-

"Hakuji!" I called from the well as I watched him walk over with his head down. I knew something had to be wrong. Though he was working on himself, he had times of anger.
He looked up from his name being called. His eyes widened slightly. The pale blue of his eyes was obvious and slightly brighter. He ran over to my side and gently took my elbow, making me laugh softly.
"Koyuki, What do you think you are doing? You just got better." He whispers as if someone might hear us speak. I found him to be handsome and sweet even with the trauma that surrounded him, not that I minded it. It was normal in this area. I wanted him to be happy. I was forever happy that my father brought him home. He had tended to me for days, and at times, giving up felt like something I should do, but he- well, he made sure that was never an option.
"I feel fine, I promise- what's on your mind?" I looked up at him, his eyes searching my face. I saw it- the worry he had the times he took care of me, all those nights he sat by my roll and made sure I drank and was breathing.
"It's nothing," He said dryly and glanced away. Though he seemed irritated, he didn't let me go. Maybe he was worried I would fall.
"I know you, Hakuji," I whispered and leaned up to catch his eye. "Tell me- I want to be your best friend," I whispered, and my face felt hot.
"Another Dojo is- well, it's been a problem." It took a while for him to accept things when he first came, but- I could tell he cared for my father and even myself. Who knew the angry one could be as sweet as he was to me? It made me smile often.
"Ignore them- let father tend-"
"-I can't just let it go, Koyuki. Your father is getting in age and- and I promised to take care of you both. If that means I need to protect the Dojo, I will." His own face heats, and I smile gently, reaching up to touch his cheek.
"For now, Father can handle it- For now, you should try and practice more. I heard father has a few things he would like to teach you." I beamed up at him. Pride swelling in my chest.
I was proud. He had come so far, and I didn't want to see him lose that.
"Ok- I will for now, but- if it gets worse, I will handle it."
"For now- are you hungry? I was going to bring some water in and start dinner." I moved back to my buckets and started to level them to fetch water. He moved by my side to help.
"You need to be careful- what if you get sick? Then we can't see the fireworks." He whispers and helps me collect enough water for dinner. Those words, though- that's what got me through my sick days—the promise of the fireworks.
He helped me carry the water back. The night was slowly approaching, and I knew Father would want me in by now.
My father worried about me often when I got sick. I was all he had left after mother died. I couldnt blame him- I worried about him as well. I also now worried about Hakuji. He did so much, and I wanted to know so much more about him. I have grown to care for him. A lot more than I should have, but I didn't think Father would disapprove of him.
"Can I help you with dinner?"
I snapped back into the present, him snapping me out of the thoughts that swirled my head and made my heart beat faster. A part of me feared He would never feel the same for me. I was someone he took care of, yes, but- was I just a job to him?
"I would like that." I smiled, and we set out to prep before Father returned. After dinner, I was cleaning up when Hakuji stepped in and started to help.
"Koyuki," He whispers, and I glance over. His eyes held something that I couldnt pinpoint, but he couldnt meet my gaze for me to really see.
"I was wondering if- if you would go see the fireworks with me? I found a spot that you and I could see. It would be perfect." This time, he met my gaze.
I knew I had to look surprised and excited as I nodded like an eager child.
"Yes, please," I say a bit too loud, making me giggle.
"Good- then we will go tomorrow- after I am done helping your father, we can go and enjoy it- you and I." I was still all smiles as I cleaned. I was just eager for the day to hurry, and night to come so I may spend it all with him.
The night had come, and the day soared like I had prayed it would. So, as I stood there, I waited for him by the tree line. And watching him come towards me, I was all excited.
"I was scared you forgot me," I whispered.
"I could never do that." His smile gave me the sweet butterflies he often gave me. He was something I always wanted to enjoy by my side. I always wanted him- only him.
"Koyuki," He whispers and steps closer to me, towering over me. "I need to ask you something, and if you say no, I understand, but I am tired of feeling like this- like I am scared-" He sucked in a deep breath and blew out before meeting my eyes once more. "Will you be mine?" He takes my hands into his. "Forever- I always want to take care of you and Father. I need you. I love you and can't get you out of my head."
My heart felt like it would break right through me as it hammered away. He wanted me? I was wrong, and he cared? Even loved me?
"Yes," I whispered, and I smiled with all the joy I felt. "Yes!"
He laughed softly and squeezed my hands.
"After I do what's right- I will make it happen- I promise- I already asked Father, and he agrees."
This was happening- I would have my love for the rest of my life.

I felt a soft kiss on my temple and the soft caress of my cheek as I lay in bed. The smell of smoke and blood lingered, but I was welcomed with a sweet food-like scent.
"No, it's your husband." My eyes flew open as I sat up in bed and blinked sleep from my eyes as I glanced around. The room was dark, besides the bathroom light leaking into the room. The stars shone outside. I looked over to see Kyōjurō slipping into bed. He looked like he just got home and changed.
"Sorry- I had an odd dream, and- it was weird." I laid back down on my back and looked over at him. I was embarrassed. What was that dream? What was it about? Because of the names and all... I didn't think I knew those people, but it seemed like from a long time ago. An era I don't know.
"What was it?" He props himself up on his elbow, his head in his hand as his eyes scan my face.
"It was a long time ago- a boy and a girl- he said he loved her, and they were going to marry." I bit my lip. It kind of reminded me of Kyōjurō and I.
I had been friends with the Kochō sisters for what seemed like forever, and they taught me simple herbs and healing remedies. It came into use when Kyōjurō's mother was sick. His father had been training me, and when I saw the signs of her decline again, she got the needed attention and survived. But I had been taking care of her for a few days and getting to know Kyōjurō. She had been sick before, but the doctors they had seen only just pushed her health to just the minimum so she would get sick and go right back on the mend.
She had gotten worse, and doctors said she would pass soon. I couldnt let that happen. I was a teenager then, Kyōjurō being a year older than me. I suppose he fell in love with me then.
"Really? Was it you and I?" He teased me, and I looked over with an amused look on my face. I leaned in and, kissed him gently, and lay back just enough to look up at him.
"They had unique names. I never heard of them, but she felt so happy, and he looked like he was in love. He had the same face you do... when you see food."
His face heats, and I let out soft laughter as I lay back.
"You think you are so funny." He sings the words out. And hovers over me, pushing me back into the bed. His hands were on either side of my face, making me feel so much heat in my core. "I see you as my meal." He smiles and leans in to kiss me again.
I let out soft laughter as I pushed at his chest gently. Not really want him to leave. I always wanted him close to me. He meant the world to me, and I was to him.
"How do you feel?" He kisses me once more before laying back on his side and searching for my hand to hold. I moved to my side to look at him.
"I feel better- and no, I won't forgive you for throwing me to the wives. They let me do nothing, and I felt useless." I sigh softly.
"I know, but if you don't get better, you can't help if you are dead." He was right. I knew he was. I needed to get better and see this recovery through. Possibly look into that demon. Because the more I think of that dream, the more I realize that boy was him. It looked like him. They had to be in their twenties then, but he looked just like Akuza, with dark hair and pale blue eyes. His smile was even the same, but the demon who was smiling- his smile was off to the male who was in love with this girl.
Perhaps the new day would sing to me in ways of perfect health. Then, I can train with the children and go back to do missions. I couldnt lose any more of the kids. After everything that night- I don't think I was ok when I was in the hospital. I looked fine now- like I did every time I lost someone. Death and loss weren't something you got over. It was just a pain you get used to over time and that's what we did as Hashira. Learn to live with the heartbreak and tears that lived in my very soul. That's why we go after Demons. That's why we became Slayers.
"Kyōjurō." I looked over at him. "I love you- more than anything."
"I know- and I love you, little flame." He leaned in to kiss me once more before he was wrapping me into his arms and pressing me against his chest. I know he has to be hurting as well. We were used to this- we had to be.
"Good night," I whispered, and soon sleep claimed me once more. 

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 05 ⏰

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