Chapter Eleven

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Cody frowned at Cindy when he heard Emma's voice. The anger and urgency made the hairs on the back of his neck stand on end, not to mention the fact he heard a low menacing growl emanating from the very walls. Pure fury filled his emotional grid and lit his fight response. What the hell? He stood and quickly made his way into the entry to see Emma standing in the doorway blocking another vaguely familiar woman from entering the house. Cindy followed close on his heels.

"Emma?" He stopped at her side, noticing how her body was strung tight as a violin string. His eyes moved toward the overhead porch light that swung. The walls seemed to be undulating. The spirit was not trying to contain itself. Cindy crossed to stand close to her other side, ready to lend any help she could. Cindy touched Emma's other shoulder and glowered at the woman on the porch.

"Tell her who you are, Cody, please."

Cody noticed that Emma's small fists were clenched so hard they'd gone white, every line of her body was taunt. Instantly he went into defensive cop mode. He stood taller and widened his stance and made certain his features were completely professional as he stared down at the offensive woman who was obviously causing Emma's distress.

"I'm Detective Phillips, is there a problem here?" He had no intention to question why she asked it of him, just reacted. He moved his hands pushing back the jacket he hadn't removed since they'd returned to the house, the badge he nearly always wore showing clearly on his belt.

Carol's eyes dropped to his badge then back to his face. He watched the change overtake her. It was like watching someone pull on a Halloween mask. "Oh thank goodness you're here, Officer," the other woman instantly began to sniffle as though fighting tears. "My daughter is being so difficult. I'm just trying to get through this horrible time. Losing a parent is so hard, you understand? I just want to come in and my ungrateful, spiteful child is making it that much harder."

Cody raised his brow and crossed his arms. "I see," he replied. His eyes took in the way the darkness loomed high on the ceiling, writhing like a turbulent storm cloud. How did no one else notice? Of course he already knew that answer. Most people didn't notice the paranormal or found a way to dismiss it. He just prayed that if William decided to go on the offense that he didn't hurt anyone.

"So would you please remove her from my house, I'd really appreciate it," she finished with what Cody knew to be a fake smile. Cindy took Emma's hand and spoke quietly, comfortingly.

"On what basis Ma'am?"

Carol blinked owlishly at him. "Well, to be totally honest, my father always intended for the house to pass to me, so that means she's trespassing." Carol shrugged. "So make her go away."

The floor trembled slightly. The entity was filling him with the outright hatred it was currently feeling. At least he was finally communicating. Not that it actually helped at all in that exact moment but still it was progress. Nevertheless, Cody was swamped by nausea and swallowed hard at the gall that burned his throat; unadulterated disdain gripping him.

"Is that so?" Cody kept the fury he felt gathering around him at bay, but only slightly. The spirit did not want this woman here, and every second she stayed it was ramping up for someone to get hurt.

"Yes, it is. So I will be kind enough to allow her and her little friend to get their bags, but then they need to leave and I won't press any charges." She smirked at Emma, in a way that had Cody agreeing with the entity's idea of maiming the older woman. Carol waved her hands at him in a 'get going' motion. "So if you don't mind? Can you remove her please? I'd really like to get out of the cold now."

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