Chapter 4; Adventure?

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[Adventurers Guild, Lobby]
[12:11;47 - 499]

Josh entered the Guild, The eyes of many adventurers looked at the man in suspicion. But Josh waved it off by walking to the counter, the guild receptionist looked up at Josh and back down to her papers.

"What can I do for you today?" She politely asked after arranging her paperwork.

Pulling out the piece of folded paper that Koil had given him, he gave it to the receptionist. "I would like to get registered as an adventurer," He told the receptionist who took the folded paper and read it.

Finishing reading the paper, the receptionist looked at Josh and took a paper and orb from below. "Answer this while I get a Card ready for you."

Getting ahold of the paper Josh pulled out his pen he had instead of the quill nearby, looking at the paper he put his name, Age, he puts 18; Name of Birthplace, thinking about the king's suggestion he wrote summoned.

After a while the receptionist returned finding Josh finishing, putting a silver card above the orb she put earlier and reviewing the paper that Josh had signed.

Putting the paper near the orb it suddenly sucked it in, "Sir would you be so kind and wait while it processes the information." The receptionist told Josh who followed.

Sitting down on some seats he checks his watch, looking around he finds many adventurers walking around.

A crowd suddenly started to form behind him, looking at the commotion he found a burly man showing off some of his abs.

Ignoring the commotion he looked at the counter where he registered up, at the same time he looked away the burly man noticed Josh's attire and found it funny.

"That man! How dirty-looking clothing, must've fallen on mud!" He laughs at Josh.

Many of the people around the man laughed with the burly man, and when they noticed Josh stood up and walked away they laughed more.

"Too embarrassed mister? Wash up," An adventurer commented followed by many more hurtful comments by the crowd.

Reaching the counter he asks the receptionist who took the silver card from the orb and checked it, finding it perfect she hands it to Josh.

Looking at the card he finds it nice, "Hey buddy." The burly man approached Josh who took notice of him as soon as the man approached.

Putting away his Card he looks at the burly man up and down as if scanning, "Yes?"

"You should clean up mister, with that much dirt on you, even the demons will not fight you!" He said making the crowd laugh.

"But I, cleaned, strong, and big!" The man shows off his burly arms.

"Even the demons want to kiss me," He says.

Not wanting to cut off the man from his monologue, he only listened to the man who continued.

The burly man continued until a woman entered the lobby by the stairs, coming down she had long silver hair, armour made by the finest dwarves, and a smooth body.

Adventurers flocked to her like magnets, the burly man from before also approached and bowed down and greeted her.

Josh merely walked away trying to exit the guild lobby, "Josh!" The woman shouted much to the confusion of other adventurers.

Turning his head he surprisingly finds the said woman walking towards him, "I should thank Koil for the information, I'm Guild Master Felix. Come with me to my office," She spoke to Josh and guided him to her office, upon closing the door of the office she immediately went straight to the topic.

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