Chapter 32

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Talia clearly didn't look at the floor plan in the new building yet

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Talia clearly didn't look at the floor plan in the new building yet. It has only one office and we'd be sharing it once we move. That or Talia is going to kick my ass to the curb once she finds out the type of deal she just made with me. In any case, it's all well worth getting in a round of golf with her and seeing her reaction once she realizes the only office room to pick is the one I'll be in. I need to stop fuckin' smiling so much to not tip her off too early.

After we grab our gear and rent out a golf cart, we head out to the grassy plains of the eighteen hole course. The sun shines brightly over the terrain. I seriously cannot contain my excitement once we reach the first tee. Closing my eyes briefly, I inhale the grassy scent around us and listen to the birds chirp in the trees.

"I told you, you live and breathe golf. You look like an addict getting a fix right now." Talia stands next to me, crossing her arms in front of her and smirking.

I close my eyes again, pressing one nostril down with my pointer finger, and inhale much more sharply and much more dramatically than a moment ago. Talia laughs, making me consider if I should switch careers and do stand-up comedy. "I just needed one more hit," I say before grabbing a club.

"I'm glad you got what you needed. Now are we done golfing for the day?"

"Nice try. It's tee time. You're up!"

Talia sighs as she grabs the golf club I'm holding for her. It's truly the cutest little sigh I've ever heard in my life.

She tee's up, placing her ball on the ground and moving her club into the starting position.

Holy hotness. Talia in that little tennis dress playing golf is now forever burned into my brain. Without even thinking, I grab my phone and yell, "Smile," before taking a photo.

"Hey! I wasn't looking! Take another one," she says before posing with her hands pressed against the top of the golf club and her hip popped out.

I smile and turn around while holding out the camera in front of me, taking a quick selfie of us both. Without looking at the photo, I tuck the phone back into my pocket. "Alright, no more pictures. It's time to golf."

Talia breathes in deeply. She looks slightly nervous and it causes a range of activity in my stomach. "Don't laugh at me, okay?" she says as she readies her stance again.

"I promise I won't."

She takes her first swing and completely misses the ball. Her body twists as it follows through with the motion. When she registers the result, she turns to me with the most adorable look, cheeks slightly reddened. "I was just practicing my swing before hitting the ball."

"Of course," I say while nodding.

She tries again. Another miss. "Ugh, I hate this stupid game."

"You need to relax. You look like you're strapped into an electrocution chair with that stance. Take a deep breath."

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