Chapter 40

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Author's Note: Please note, you've reached the end of the edited chapters. The story continues, but will be in third person past tense as I'm still editing them. I'll be updating the remaining chapters about 1-2 times a week.


Lucas loves me.

That thought continued to permeate Talia's mind like ink in water.

After trying to boost morale among her existing employees, Talia threw herself into the strategy deck she was preparing for the board. At first, she had been able to distract herself from the shock of letting Imani go and the life-altering conversation with Lucas. The strategy she'd be using to win her the position was nearly done and just needed some fine-tuning. Even Cora had been impressed with it and didn't have many notes on things to update.

Yet Talia soon reached a point where she couldn't deny or escape Lucas' words any longer. A warm buzz settled over her every time she replayed everything he had said to her in her office. His declaration of love had dissolved into her like it was a powerful nutrient running through her veins. And every time she pictured her life without Lucas, a searing pain coursed through her chest as if the nutrient needed replenishment straightaway.

It got so bad that she had made an unplanned trip during the week to Lucas' building to "talk with their Accounts Executive and get Ethan up to speed on some things" AKA potentially run into Lucas. She needed to numb the ache in her heart and assess if he was as dazed as she was. Yet, he hadn't been in the office when she got there so she never got the chance to see. And her mind couldn't settle on a decision yet so she couldn't reach out to him intentionally.

Now, she'd be face-to-face with him again at his parent's house. Despite still not knowing how to move forward with him, a swirl of excitement and nervousness filled her leading up to the Labor Day party. She was going to see him again and the world would fall back into its regular orbit, despite the millions of unknowns.

She pulled up to the sprawling property with fields of green and a long-winded driveway that led to the mansion. The afternoon sun shone brightly over the beautiful landscape.

Something tugged at her mind. It felt as though she'd been to this house before. It didn't hit her until she handed her keys to the valet attendant. Her eyes grew wide as she thought about the Christmas party all those years ago. The first night she had met Lucas.

An attendant directed her toward a path on the side of the house. Cradling a bottle of wine, her gift for Lucas' mom, she followed a couple of people walking down the brick path to a poolside area that carried hundreds of people mingling with each other. Her pulse picked up speed as she searched the animated faces for Lucas.

"Oh, my God! Talia, you're here!" A woman's voice pulled Talia's attention away from the crowd. She turned to find an older woman she didn't recognize smiling widely at her. The woman looked to be in her sixties with her slightly wrinkled skin and streaks of gray in her hair. Before Talia could respond the woman wrapped her arms around Talia. "I'm so glad you made it!"

Talia's mind spun trying to remember if she knew this woman who was now hugging her like they were long-lost friends who hadn't seen each other in years. The woman retreated and squeezed Talia's arm. "You angel! Is that for me?"

Ahh. Lucas' mom!

"Oh, uh. Yes, Mrs. Handler. Thank you for having me and it's nice to meet you." She passed over the bottle of wine, smiling politely.

"Please call me Debra!" The woman's striking blue eyes reminded Talia of Lucas'.

She tried to hide the slight shake in her hands by locking them behind her. A man walked by, and Talia stole a glance, hoping it would be Lucas. It wasn't. "Thank you, Debra. Do you know where-"

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