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Chapter 3

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Chapter Three


It's been about four days since I've seen Caleb, but that doesn't stop my eyes from darting to the door of the café every time the bell jingles. It's making me insane, causing me to forget orders, but the more time goes by the less hope there is that I'll see him again. Thursdays are always dead around here, so Tammy and I take turns serving customers, no matter which section they choose for themselves.

At the moment, there is only one table of customers and Tammy is taking care of them. I make myself busy by wiping down the counters and refilling the ketchup bottles. When the bell jingles, my eyes jump to the door and are finally rewarded with the image of Caleb strolling in. Tonight he is wearing black suit pants and a light blue long-sleeved button up shirt. I notice that he has ditched his tie already and has run his fingers through his unruly hair.

I can't help the smile that spreads across my face as he approaches the counter. I take a deep breath to steady my racing pulse. His eyes take me in from my ratty old sneakers, up past my hips and waist, until they land on my eyes. He grins and we both chuckle a little at being caught so openly checking each other out. He is a dream-gorgeous, wealthy and out of my league.

"Hello, Hope," he says, as he puts his hands in his pockets and leans back on his heels.

"Hey, Caleb. Need a menu today?" I ask, hoping he'll stay for something that will take longer than a slice of pie.

"No, just the pie with ice cream. Where's your section?" he asks, glancing around. Tammy waves at him and gives me a knowing look, at which I roll my eyes.

"Anywhere you'd like. You're mine tonight." When his eyebrows shoot up I realize what I've said and feel myself flush before I try to wave away the words. "I mean, it's my turn to serve you." This earns me a laugh and I close my eyes and bite back my own laughter before finally digging myself out of the hole. "Sit anywhere, Caleb."

"Over so soon? I kind of liked where that was going," he jokes, before sliding up to the counter. I just shake my head and reach under the counter for a mug. I can feel his eyes on me and I try hard not to spill his coffee all over the place.

"I'll be right back with that pie." As I turn away from him I continue under my breath, "And, hopefully, a little bit of my dignity." I hear his chuckle as I enter the kitchen. I let myself imagine for a minute what it would be like to be a regular girl my age. Maybe I wouldn't need to take the bus home; I would just walk to my apartment. Or maybe I wouldn't have anyone waiting on me, so I wouldn't have to go home at all.

I make my way out of the kitchen and into reality instead of my fantasy. Caleb is watching me like I'm the most interesting thing he has ever seen.

"Here you go." I set the pie down in front of him. "Thanks again for what you did on Saturday. You didn't have to, but I appreciate it, more than you could ever know."

"It was nothing. I meant what I said." His fork is resting in his hand and the mood between us has switched from light to serious. I smile at him and move down the counter to finish filling the ketchup, using a towel to wipe up spills.

After a few minutes I hear Caleb's deep voice. "You know what would go really well with this pie?"

I turn around and swing the towel over my shoulder, lifting my brows in question.

"Let's see." I pretend to think for a minute. "Two scoops of ice cream instead of one? Cinnamon shavings? A thinner crust?"

"Are two scoops even possible?" he asks seriously, but then laughs. "Okay, I was trying to get your attention and I was pretty proud of the line I was going to use, but apparently you've given that issue a little more thought than I'd expected." I can't help but laugh at his admission.

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