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Chapter 7

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Chapter Seven


For a moment I'm completely happy. I close my eyes and allow myself to pretend that I'm young and falling for a man who could fall for me in return. His hand moves on my waist, sliding closer to my side to hold me firmly against him. As wonderful as this feels, moments like this are what I give up everyday for the safety of my brother. I know if asked to choose, I would give this one up for him as well, but tonight I don't have to make that choice.

We haven't said anything after I told him I didn't need to be back at the bus stop until tomorrow morning. I wonder what he's thinking as I lay my head back down on his chest and allow him to lead me in a slow sway with the music. His face is so close to mine I can feel the roughness of his chin against my cheek. Closing my eyes, I breathe him in and try hard to burn his sent into my memory.

As the song begins to come to an end, he dips his head and places his lips on my shoulder. His arms cinch around me like a big hug and he places a small kiss on the crook of my neck.

"I could have sworn you just said that I didn't need to get you back to the bus stop until tomorrow morning." He says this as if he has misunderstood me and I can feel the pace of my heart pick up when I close my eyes and squeeze him tighter to me.

"That's because I did, Caleb. I can't tell you the last time I had a chance to stay out all night but I can tell you that it won't happen again any time soon. I want to spend my night of freedom with you." I tip my head to the side, as he trails kisses up my neck.

"I'm honored. Just tell me what you want to do and I'll make it happen." I imagine he could make anything happen and for a minute I'm embarrassed about not even knowing what to ask for. It's been so long since I've let myself dream of things beyond my reach. I run through all the possibilities in my head but don't come up with much.

"Would it be really stupid if I just want to watch a movie at your place?" I just want to be near him without interruption or other people around.

"Can't imagine anything that would sound better. I just want to make sure you have a chance to dream a little bigger. Don't sell yourself short, Beautiful. I will take you anywhere--we can do anything."

"Then take me home so we don't waste one more minute of this night." With that, Caleb steps away from me and grabs my hand in his. We walk to the table where his brothers are sitting and their conversation stops as they see us approaching. Without saying a word, Caleb grabs my stuff from the booth and hands it to me. His brothers just watch in silence as he helps me put my sweater on and then he looks at them with a look that must express that he's not to be argued with.

"We're leaving. I'll settle up with you guys tomorrow." He marches me away from the table and I turn my head back to offer them a small wave goodbye. With curious looks they wave back and just like that we're out the door. I don't know how we're going to get anywhere since we've both been drinking, but Caleb just pulls my hand as we run across the empty street and up to the courtyard of a high rise building.

I lift my head to take in the beauty of the structure and barely notice the nod of greeting the doorman gives Caleb. The interior is more breath taking than the exterior, and I'm in awe of the shine that reflects our images on the floor and the large marble walls. I guess if I get one night to have what I can never truly keep, this place is the perfect setting.

In the elevator, Caleb puts a small key into the controls and we begin to climb higher and higher. We're standing in silence as we travel up. Caleb moves to stand behind me and wraps his arms my waist, resting his chin on my shoulder. Letting this go tomorrow is going to hurt, but I won't give this up tonight.

When the elevator doors open, we step out into an elegant entryway with dark wood floors and lush couches. It takes a little nudge from Caleb to notice I've stopped moving. I smile at him and he just shrugs his shoulder at me.

"Caleb, this place is unbelievable." I make my way over to the floor to ceiling window that allows a view of the entire city. I try to look out past the lights of the small buildings surrounding us and find where my tiny apartment is, but the lights just shrink in the distance and I allow their vastness to absorb my attention.

"It's ok. Too big for just me, but Ben said it was a good investment. My sister Madeline did all of the decorating so don't give me any credit for that. I did, however, choose the TV." I turn around as he clicks a small remote and a large TV lifts from a wooden entertainment center. I stare as it seem like the TV will just keep rising, bigger and bigger against the wall behind it.

"Wow, that's incredible." I mumble and he slowly walks over to where I'm standing.

"What do you feel like watching?" To be honest, I hadn't really thought about that. I don't care what movie we watch as long as I get to sit next to him and spend time alone with him.

"You pick. I'll watch whatever you want." He scoops me up and carries me over to the couch. I'm giggling as he drops me onto the softest couch I've ever been on and then opens a drawer near the TV, which must contain hundreds of movies. He picks one and puts it into the DVD player.

Caleb sits down on the end of the couch and kicks his shoes off. I'm not too close to him, but when I kick my shoes off also, he reaches over and slides me near him. Grabbing a blanket from the back of the couch, he throws it over us and lifts his feet up onto the ottoman, snuggling down into the couch with me in his arms. It's as if we have sat here a million times, his arm around my shoulder and his fingers running trails up and down my skin.

The movie starts and I recognize it as something that was just out in the theaters, but of course I've never seen it. The last three movies I've seen were some sort of cartoon for Nathan. The longer the movie plays, the closer we get. When the credits begin to roll, I turn my head up to him to find him staring down at me. Without a word his lips are on mine.

Slowly at first, Caleb kisses me, sliding his hand into my hair to pull us closer together. When I part my lips and allow him in, he pulls me onto his lap causing the blanket to fall to the floor. His hands run up and down my body as he explores my lips and mouth. I'm dizzy with excitement as we pour all the tension that's been building between us into this one kiss.

It's been so long since I've been this close to a man and I allow his warmth to make me feel safe. That's a sacred feeling for me as well, one that I don't often experience. The tight fit of my skirt has me perched near the end of his knees and I'm reminded that I must smell like grease while he smells of some masculine cologne.

I break the kiss and lean away from him. "I bet I smell like a dirty kitchen." His eyes smile back at me as he shakes his head in disagreement.

"You don't, but if you want to take a shower I can show you where one is." I nod my head yes and slide off of his lap. He leans forward and kisses my lips again before entwining his fingers with mine and leading me down a long hall with many doors. Stopping at a large one, he opens it and grabs me a towel and a washcloth. "You'll have to use my soap, I don't have anything for girls here, sorry."

"I don't mind, thank you." When we reach the bathroom, he opens the door and sets the towel and washcloth on the counter.

"Hope, I don't know why the rules have changed for you this evening, but I do know that I'm not going to waste a minute of this time you're giving me. Take a shower if it makes you feel better, but just know that I'll be waiting for you to come back out to me. I don't care if you smell like French fries or really expensive perfumes. Neither of them will have any effect on the way you feel in my arms."

Caleb kisses me one more time, slow and tender as we stand in the quiet of the bathroom. I try very hard to hang on to my heart when I feel it falling for him, but I know with his arms wrapped around me and the promise of needing me near him, I'm helpless to do anything but let myself fall.

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