Chapter 42

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After we caught our breath, we cuddled for a couple of minutes, not being able to move. I can tell I am going to be so sore tomorrow.

A few moments later, I lean in, kiss him, and start to sit up.

He grabs my arm and pulls me back down.


"Yes," he says with a deliberate ignorant look.

"I have to get ready .. again since we had a little intermission.

"You are welcome," He says as his arms are resting behind his head and smirks at me while watching me walk into the bathroom.

I grab my dress off the floor and head to the bathroom.

I realized I had a little problem. I had my lingerie underneath my dress and dont have anything else to put underneath since the lingerie is in shead all over the floor.

I decided to be Commando because we will probably repeat what just happened later tonight.

After I got dressed, I touched up my makeup, which had gotten ruined.

When finished, I head out of the bathroom and see that Carter is dressed again. He stands in front of the mirror, fixing his hair.

He saw that I had come out of the bathroom and smiled at me.

"You really do look beautiful," he says, and I blush.

"Thank you," I say as I lean in to kiss him

"Now, let's go before we really do end up missing the party," I say, picking up my purse once again.

"Are you sure you don't wanna go for round two?" he asked.

I giggle, ignoring his question, and make my way to the door so we can actually leave.

He helped me down the stairs, and we headed out the front door. We got to his car, and he opened the door for me like he always does.

We begin our drive listening to his rap music, and I laugh at him as he tries to sing the lyrics, but it's such a fast song that he does not even know what he is saying,

He turns into the parking lot of the venue, and it looks absolutely gorgeous. Super bougie for some college kids.

Carter and I head inside the banquet hall, which is stunning. It's decorated in our campus colors but with a hockey theme. They did a fantastic job setting this up.

When we found our table, we saw we were seated with his roommates.

"Look who finally decided to show up," Brett says with a smirk.

Carter gave him the middle finger as Brett laughed.

"Yo, this place is sick," Ryan says as he has a drink in his hand. He must have come from the bar.

"Try not to break anything," Jason says, and we all laugh. Ryan is known for breaking anything in sight.

This kinda feels like a prom with our long dresses, the huge buffet of food, and, of course, a DJ. The only thing they added was an open bar, which I am grateful for, and everyone else is, too. It took at least 15 minutes to get a drink.

For most of the party, I was dancing with Jensen, but a slow song started to play, and we both went to find our men.

I spotted Carter talking to one of his teammates by the bar, and he caught my eye. Knowing I wanted to dance with him, he excused himself and made his way over to me.

I held out my hand to him, and he grabbed it, pulling my body closer to him. He wrapped his arms around my waist, and I wrapped my arms around his neck.

"This is such a fun night. Thank you for taking me," I tell him.

"I wouldn't want to bring anyone else," He says

"I love you," I tell him.

"I love you more, baby. I can't wait till we graduate." He says "Ive been meaning to ask you, but would you want to buy a place together?" he asks me, looking into my eyes with a nervous expression.

"Are you sure? Don't you think this is moving too fast?" I say hesitantly.

"Maybe, but I know you are it for me, baby, and I don't want you anywhere else but with me," He says

"But what if you get drafted?" I question

"You're right," He says, looking down and getting upset.

"Hey," I say, grabbing his face to look at me.

"Ive been thinking about it, and I can get a job in marketing pretty much anywhere, so wherever you get drafted, I will be there with you," I tell him, and he looks at me astonished.

"Are you serious?" he says, still shocked.

"Yeah, I was thinking that I really don't want to be apart from you ever again," I tell him.

He smiles

"How did I get so lucky?" He says

"Well, you had a real shitty dad that we both hated," I say with a chuckle.

"Yeah, that was pretty unexpected," he says

"Yeah, I guess we had an unexpected love," I say

"That we did, baby," he says as he leans in to kiss me.

If you were to tell me at the beginning of the semester that I would find the love of my life, who happens to be the son of the member I despised the most, I'd probably tell you that you are fucking crazy.

But that is how life works.

It throws you into a whirlwind and repays you with love, sometimes a very unexpected one.


I am balling right now. I have so many emotions . This was my first ever book and i completed it. It definitely needs some editing but besides the point, i am so grateful for everyone that has read this you mean so much to me.

I will post an epilogue and a few bonus chapters soon!

But for now thank you!!

word count - 988

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